Chapter 21 - Teegan

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I escaped both Caleb's and my mother before anger got the best of me. They were stuck in the dark ages when the family planned a child's life. It wasn't that their thoughts were wrong. They just weren't mine. The fact that they weren't even considering my words is what frustrated me the most. I tried to cool myself down, shutting off mom, then remembering it was a childish way to punish. Turning the link back on, I would realize I couldn't think alone; then I shut it back off. When I turned it back on, Mom flooded me with love. It was a pain in the ass to have such good anger eaten away. How was I supposed to think when everyone else was countering my emotions. I could almost feel Dad's humor at my dilemma.

I used the time to check on Caleb. With everyone downstairs, I could sneak into my room and think quietly with him. He was peacefully asleep. Sitting on the edge of the bed, close to his head, I smoothed his hair back. I smiled at the mop, remembering his last words to me. There is so much music in him, so much power he can harness in his violin. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, but I knew what Caleb wanted. I wanted what he wanted. I wanted to see him on stage again. Greedily, I wanted him next to me as other women stared and wondered how I got so lucky. I wanted to feel his love again.

My hand moved down his arm, to the swollen knuckles of his right hand. I lifted it to my lips and lightly kissed each knuckle. The skin was warm, but the bones didn't seem broken as I had first thought. Three of the joints were bruising darkly. He saved me with that hand and with his love. I never want to feel that love replaced with hatred ever again. The anger had been so powerful and unforgiving, almost as if it were swallowing up everything that was him. It had swamped his music.

The way he felt about me was undeniable. The link had shown me that. I could no longer ignore my feelings. It didn't matter how smart he was or where his future was headed. Unless something changed, I meant to be part of it or make him part of mine. For good or ill, the bond had cemented us. I just hoped it was for real.

I went back down to talk with Caleb's mother and mine. Their arguments would have to be categorized as suggestions. Convincing them that music was best for Caleb was useless. I'll just nod my head and pretend that their words are sinking in. Whatever becomes of Caleb and me, we couldn't disown our families.

Strangely, the topic had changed once I returned. Some unspoken agreement was reached to let the contentious subject drop, and we returned to the nature of the bond. Grace had more questions, and I answered them as best I could. She seemed particularly interested in how it had affected Caleb. I sensed she thought it had something to do with how much he liked me. Well, so did I.

Dad and Jack were snoring on the couch when night finally gave way to dawn. Grace was waiting patiently for Caleb to wake, Mom and I keeping her company. We were on our fifth or sixth cup of tea when I felt it.

In the middle of a yawn, warmth poured into my mind. At first, I thought it was Dad, then a love mixed with all its newness chased away the rest of my surface thoughts. I quickly excused myself to use the bathroom, hardly able to control my growing smile. I wasn't sure how much Caleb understood, but the strength of his sendings couldn't be ignored, and were so very pleasing.

I found Caleb sitting up in bed with a confident grin on his face. He knew exactly what he was doing, and I was uncontrollably responding in kind. My whole body was tingling with the shared emotions. I raised my finger to my smiling lips, quieting the words I knew he wished to shout.

"Your parents are downstairs," I whispered as I sat on the edge of the bed. Caleb ignored my words and kept sending wave after wave of his love as if the bond was some new toy that demanded play. I couldn't help but rebound my own back. His music was so pure, so honest, and more fun than I could ever have imagined. I tried to speak again, but he interrupted. He leaned forward, his hand softly cradling the side of my neck, and joined his lips to mine with a confidence I hadn't expected. The link had removed any hesitancy. His lips were amazingly soft and strong at the same time. They caressed mine with a purpose that made me surrender to them with passion.

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