Chapter 9 - Teegan

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Wendy was exactly what I needed. I was afraid I was going to be sitting alone, twiddling my thumbs during practice. It's not that I wouldn't have. Sitting for that long was going to dent my ass and with no one to talk to, it may have felt longer than two hours. Wendy seemed practiced with it all and desired my company as well. I liked her sense of strong independence. She didn't ask Tom's leave and Tom didn't question her leaving. I could tell they were a couple, but they weren't glued at the hip. I only just met her and already I admired her.

"I'm glad you came," Wendy said as we left the club. "Tom will start playing, and the world disappears. It's like I don't exist until the music stops."

"It looks like he loves you," I commented. The way his hands moved around her waist and the soft kiss. It had meaning.

"When he's not playing," Wendy said with a chuckle. "Music is his mistress, and she's a demanding bitch." I laughed, surprised she thought me old enough for such language. Usually, adults toned it down in front of me. I was pleased she saw me worthy. "Isn't Caleb the same way?"

"I don't know," I replied, slightly blushing. "I just met him. We're not dating or anything." Wendy laughed as she signaled we were going to take a right at the corner.

"Did you tell him you're not dating?"

"Not in words," I replied. "He knows I'm just here as a friend, to hear him play."

"Well, don't break his heart too hard," Wendy continued as we rounded the corner. "Tom tells me he's a nice boy. If Tom likes him, I like him."

"Were not dating," I repeated, forcing a fake chuckle. "How can I break his heart if we haven't even been on a date?"

"Get some glasses, girl," Wendy said, pulling me close as we walked. "That boy couldn't keep his eyes off you. If he were Superman, you'd have holes in your butt right now." She sighed and released me, "I remember when Tom looked at me that way. I miss the new eyes."

"We're not dating," I said again. I was staring straight ahead trying to remember how Caleb looked at me. There were some out of place smiles, but I didn't remember any undo attention. Wendy laughed again.

"So you like him," Wendy surmised.

"I didn't say that."

"No," Wendy agreed, "nor did you say 'He's not my type' or 'Not in this lifetime.' " She was right. I didn't discount the possibility.

"He's going to MIT," I said, thinking out loud. "Full-ride."

"Damn," Wendy said with surprise, "brains and music. And you must admit, he didn't exactly hit the ugly trees."

"He needs to cut his hair," I said without thinking.

"That's the artist," Wendy said. She chuckled, "If you told him to shave it off, he would."

"He would not!"

"Today he would," Wendy said. "Men loose all judgment when they are in love."

"He's not in love!"

"If you say so," Wendy said, pointing down the block. "I've wanted to look in that antique store there. You mind?"

"No," I replied, "I'm not as smart as he his."

"Let's cross here," Wendy said, seeing that the traffic was clear. "What's that got to do with it?"

"I have no musical talent," I added.

"Like I do," Wendy laughed. "Did I tell you that Tom arrested me once?"

"What?" I asked, "Like a citizens arrest."

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