Chapter 16 - Teegan

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"Caleb!" Gene shouted across the lunchroom. Gene ignored Mr. Sampson's scowl. Pinned to Gene's shirt was a pre-calc pop quiz with a big red B+ circled at the top. Caleb, surprisingly, only smiled and nodded his head as he changed his direction to join us. His comfort level with Gene had increased to a point that he lost his embarrassed blush.

"You are the man," Gene said as Caleb approached. He held out his fist which Caleb confidently collided with his own.

"You going to wear that all day?" Caleb asked, pointing at the test.

"A B+ from Prichard? Damn right," Gene announced happily. The study group had met twice, and Caleb had turned out to be a wonderful tutor. He was able to explain a lot of the complexity away, and gave us tools to break down word problems into their component parts. Gene thought he was the second coming. "This might as well be my scholarship," Gene added, smacking the paper loudly with the flat of his hand. I envied his ability not to be embarrassed by anything.

"I got an A-," Samantha interjected. Gene rolled his eyes but kept his mouth shut. I didn't add my A into the mix, thinking it would wound Gene's ego.

"Just being around you makes us smarter," Gene complimented Caleb. Caleb took the seat next to mine and plopped his brown bag on the table.

"Maybe I'll get taller hanging around you," Caleb joked, making Gene laugh.

"Anything," Gene said in an oath taking mode, "you need anything, and I'm there." This time, Caleb did blush. Gene meant it, and Caleb wasn't ready for it. I wondered if he ever had a loyal friend like Gene.

"He's a good teacher," I added proudly. The fact that I was proud made me falter and look away.

"You guys going to the Henderson bash this weekend?" Gene asked. The way his eyes focused and the tone of his voice made me think he was asking us as a couple. Samantha was holding back a smile. She had noticed it as well. I looked at a very confused Caleb, who had no idea how to answer.

"I wasn't invited," I replied.

"Me either," Caleb added.

"If you're a senior, you're invited," Gene said.

"I don't know," Caleb said shyly, "it's not really my crowd."

"I'll be there," Gene said, "and you guys are definitely my crowd." He circled his arm around Samantha who nodded in agreement. Caleb looked at me, almost as if I needed to make the decision for him.

"I guess I'm going," I said.

"I'll be there too," Caleb agreed and traded smiles with Gene.

"It will be a blast," Gene said excitedly. "Probably the last big party besides the prom itself. Let's carpool. Parking will be a bitch in that subdivision." I hadn't informed Mom and Dad, but I didn't see a problem, especially since we were all traveling together. Gene volunteered to drive, picking us up in a logical sequence, me being the last. By the time lunch neared an end, I was getting excited about the weekend.

Gene and Samantha left for class early so they could walk together. I smirked at Samantha, knowing she intended to fish for a kiss before they parted to separate classes. They were getting more serious by the day.

"Gene thinks we're dating," Caleb informed me. "I told him we're not, but you know how he is."

"I don't mind," I said, half lying. "Does it bother you?"

"Only because I think it bothers you," Caleb replied. His eyes softened as he looked at me. That and his floppy hair made me think of a puppy who had just chewed up my favorite shoe.

"I don't care if people think we're dating," I said. This time, I meant it. "If I were ready to date, it would be you or someone like you."

"I can wait," Caleb said with a growing smile. He stood, his eyes alive with hope I didn't intend. "I'm looking forward to the party," he added and headed off to class. I liked how he moved when confidence surged through him. Straight shoulders directing an unwavering walk with just a hint of a bounce in the step. I wondered if he kissed with the same confidence. I shifted my thoughts to my next class and headed out of the lunch room.


"Who's going with you?" Mom asked. She took a bite of her salad and watched me for my response. Dad was eating quietly, letting Mom decide things. I didn't exactly ask permission to go to the party, which I thought was my right for my age. I was more or less telling her where I was going to be. She sounded like approval was necessary.

"Samantha, Gene, and Caleb," I answered. Mom smiled and nodded her head. I wasn't sure it was approval or something else.

"You're hanging out with Caleb a lot these days," Dad pointed out while cutting his meat. Mom's smile didn't go away, and I could swear they shared a knowing look.

"And Samantha and Gene," I added. "We study together, so we end up making plans together."

"I like Caleb," Mom said, her grin now meant for me. I rolled my eyes. No one seemed to understand that he was a friend. I ignored her comment and filled my mouth with mashed potatoes.

"Mason doesn't like him," Zane commented. Everyone, including me, looked at him.

"Mason Crawford?" I asked befuddled. Zane nodded.

"Heard he was taking you to the prom," Zane continued, his mouth still working on some meat as he spoke. "Mason's pissed at me as well," he added with a small chuckle.

"Who's this Mason?" Dad asked. I could hear the concern in his voice.

"A jerk, that's who," I replied. "He wanted to ask me out, and Zane told him a lie to make him back off."

"I'm not a dating service," Zane mumbled with another mouth full of food.

"Chew first, then speak," Mom corrected. "Is this Mason going to be a problem?"

"No." I shook my head. "Just a dumb jock who thinks he owns the world."

"Big guy?" Dad asked. Zane nodded and swallowed his food.

"Running back for the football team," Zane said. "He thought I would set him up with Teegan. I told him she had a bigger boyfriend, and it sort of went viral. I guess he thinks I made a fool of him or something."

"Do I need to get involved?" Dad asked Zane. I could see his back straightening like he expected Mason to burst into the house. The look on his face made me think it would have been Mason's biggest mistake ever.

"Naw," Zane shrugged. "He won't do anything. Fights at school get you kicked off sports. He wouldn't risk that for anything."

"He's all talk," I added. Dad visibly relaxed when Mom's hand covered his. I think she was calming him down.

"You both let us know if he causes any trouble," Mom said. We agreed and continued with dinner. In the back of my mind, I saw Mason confronting Caleb. I wasn't sure he had the tools to deal with Mason. I made a mental note to mention the situation to Gene the next day. No way would Mason confront Caleb with Gene at his side.

"Is there going to be alcohol at this party?" Mom asked. I sighed.

"Probably," I replied, "Someone always sneaks it in. But you know I don't drink."

"Just keep it that way," Mom said. "I feel better you're going with your friends." I nodded and smiled that her tone was one of acceptance. I was old enough in her eyes to make the decision to go. She was just making sure I thought it through.

"I'm going too," Zane said. I almost choked on my beans.

"Not a chance," Dad said. I let out the breath I had been holding. Zane laughed at my expression. I smacked his shoulder lightly for teasing me. I loved my brother but had no desire to have him hanging around me at the party. That he knew it bothered me, hurt more than the joke.

"Be nice at the table," Mom chuckled. 

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