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The night with the mermaids was fast, and I hardly remembered it the next day. The next day though, was all blurred together compared to the night before.

"Wake up!" Nathan said, taking my shoulders and gently shaking me until my eyes opened.

"What's going on?" I asked, sitting up while Nathan went to the closet.

"You're getting ready for the coronation next week." Nathan announced, disappearing into the closet.

"I thought you said that it was weeks from now!" I almost yelled at him.

"I did. Yesterday was Saturday. Today's Sunday, and a week from today is the coronation. Yesterday it was still two weeks." Nathan said.

"Nathan!" I yelled.

"Look, this is not going to be a smooth trip this week, so just go with it and follow my lead. You're going to have to be Queen Quinn if the real Quinn doesn't come back soon." Nathan said, coming out of the closet with even more clothes than yesterday. I groaned and pulled the covers over my head.

A second later, Nathan ripped them off of my body.


"Zoe, I know it's not going to be easy, but you are not Zoe anymore. At least until Quinn comes back. So get up and get over it." Nathan pulled me out of the bed.

"But-" I started, but my head spun wildly. I fell to the ground the moment my feet touched the floor. Pain shot through my body, circling around the front of my brain. My fingers shook and my legs felt numb.

"Zoe!" Nathan yelled, kneeling next to me. "Are you alright?"

I couldn't answer him at the moment. I was too focused on not passing out. Finally, after a moment of shivering, my body relaxed.

"What just happened?" I asked him.

"I don't know. Are you okay?" 

"I think so." I said, sitting up. Nathan helped me but putting his hand on the back of my neck and pulling me up. I shook my head, still fuzzy about what had happened.

"Do we need the doctor?" Nathan asked.

"No. If they find I'm half human too, we're toast, remember?" I reminded Nathan. He nodded like he did.

"Well, are you sure you're alright?"

"Yeah, just a little headache." I lied. "What do I have to wear today?" 

"It's a bit more than yesterday, but it's nothing compared to what you have to wear a week from now." Nathan said, bringing me over to the end of the bed where he had dropped all of the clothes. I looked down to see what was there.

There was a real underneath-corset, a dress slip, a poofy green dress with laces down the back, another metal corset for over the dress, a bustle that had peacock feathers all over it, and finally, green high-heeled sandals. I looked at Nathan with my mouth wide open.

"Don't worry, I'll help you." He said.

"I'm not worried about that. How am I supposed to move in all of that, and even get out of it all?" I asked, pointing at the pile. Nathan laughed and grabbed the dress slip. 

"Let's get you ready, shall we?" Nathan asked. I groaned again and pulled off the night gown. The second it was off, Nathan pulled the slip over my head and helped me get it all the way on. Nathan grabbed for the corset.

"No!" I yelped, jumping back with my hand at my gut. "It'll be worse with three of them on!"

"Zoe, I won't tie the dress as tight. Just relax, I won't kill you." Nathan said. He trapped me in the corset and pulled it tight. I grabbed my hips, wheezing already.

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