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It seemed to me that the night was going to last forever. Even the blankets that Nathan had also brought with the clothes were almost frozen solid. The clothes were meant to be worn by themselves, but I didn't care and piled them on top my regular clothing and put the blankets on over that. The bread was almost gone and there was no water for me to drink. My voice felt hoarse, so I didn't dare try to talk. Even breathing hurt.

I had never been this cold before. Even when winter hit one year and as a joke my dad threw me into the snow with my pajamas on, I was never this cold. I guess that's why they called it Quiverer's Cave then.

In the middle of the night, I tried to get up and move around to get my body to warm up, but once I sat back down again, the air around me seemed to freeze my body to the ground. In an attempt to get my body even warmer, I unfolded my wings and wrapped them around my body, but they felt stretched and hurt to move them in such a way, and the cold air bit them like dogs. I finally gave up on that idea and settled with wrapping two blankets around my shoulders and knees, and pulling the final one over the rest of my body, the wings safely inside my back.

At least the visions had gone away. I had relived almost every single thing that had happened here from the time that I got to Quiverer's Cave up until Gideon wrenched the jewel from my forehead. Now, I was focused on staying warm, and no such visions were needed to worry me instead.

I didn't hear Nathan calling in ever since he came to the cave to bring me stuff. Nor did I hear Quinn, but that wasn't a surprise.

I fell asleep in the middle of the night, but I instantly woke up in fear of my skin being exposed in the night and getting frostbite. At that point, I took the rest of the bread and ate all of the portion I had left.

Why am I here? I thought. Why did my wish bring me here? I didn't ask for this. I asked for a different life, so that I might be happy. But no, the stupid tree brought me here! To this dump they call a world! How can they live like this?

Maybe this is all a terrible dream! Maybe I fell out of the tree and went into a coma! That has to be the logical reason! 

I pinched my freezing arm, and an excruciating pain filled the space, not only because of the pinch, but because of the cold that was trapped in between my fingers. So I wasn't in a coma. I wasn't dreaming. This was real life. All of this was true. I hated it.

I hated to be here, to be trapped in a cave that would most likely kill me before the second day begins. I didn't understand anything of this world. And now that I don't have the powers that Quinn gave me, I couldn't free myself.

Maybe that was a good thing. I didn't particularly like Gideon controlling me either. And if the thing that he put in my neck was still there, I would still be a human/fairy video game that could be controlled by one click of a button.

But I didn't have to apologize to Quinn for what Gideon had me do to her. And quite frankly, it felt good to get a few punches in. She deserved it anyway. Why not kill two birds with one stone?

Though, I did have to thank her for saving my life, even if she didn't succeed all the way. That entire thankfulness had to go to Nathan.

Nathan was the most protective out of the two of them. He didn't care what he had to do to keep Quinn and I alive. And, he did help me throughout the two weeks here. I didn't know a thing about being a fairy, but he helped me become a Queen of all fairies in minimal weeks. 

Quinn, somehow, was the villain in this story, and Nathan was the hero. Though I know that Quinn and I neither knew that Gideon would kidnap me, I couldn't help but feel that Quinn had set me up.

But she had apologized to me. I hadn't expected an apology from her, but she did. I had to give her something for that. Even if she was dumb enough to leave a human to rule a fairy world, she did have some heart for coming back. (Even if it was to save her own butt.)

I shivered in the blankets around me and pulled them closer. I huffed loudly in annoyance of being so cold for so long. I didn't remember it being so cold when Gideon had brought me here. I guess there was too much fear, too much tension, to notice. 

Gideon. He was the real villain. I would have been fine with Quinn leaving me here if he hadn't come and ruined everything. Plus, he killed both of us, so he was after both Quinn and I. Quinn wasn't the villain. Gideon was.

I vowed on my remaining life to make him suffer in his days in the castle dungeon.

And I would come back to Fluttershy to do it.

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