Boyeojulge, I promise ya, We On

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Y/n dragged Kookie while Jimin and Hoseok followed with Ani and Namjoon right behind them. Jimin was mostly surprised at why Y/N wasn't falling while walking and running around in such high heels. They just ended up going to the food court and eating a light lunch as they all spoke to each other.

Hoseok was busy staring at Jimin while Jimin was busy staring and not getting jealous with Jungkook shyly speaking with Y/n.

"You know, she's not gonna notice if you keep staring at her like that, Jimin," Hoseok said softly.

"Hmmm. . ." Jimin said at the mention of his name, but clearly not listening.

"I said, 'she won't notice if you keep staring at her,' why don't you just talk to her?"

"Because she doesn't speak any Korean and I feel awkward having Joon hyung translate all the time."

"I'm sure she doesn't mind. Kookie isn't all that better than you, and she even said you're her bias."

"She did say I was her bias, but she hasn't even spoken with me on her own. She's just busy with Kook." Jimin whined making a face.

"May be she feels awkward about talking to her bias in another language too," Hoseok reasoned.

"But she's speaking with Kook and she's either going to fall for him or he's going to fall her or they will both fall for each other," Jimin said pouting and looking genuinely sad.

"Aww. . .don't talk like that. I don't know about Kook, but I'm pretty sure you've fallen for her," Hoseok said laughing.

" Oooh! What are you guys talking about? I wanna know! " Y/n said excitedly looking at Hoseok and Jimin, suddenly and soon Ani and Namjoon (who seemed to have hit off themselves) looked up as well.

" Hoseok Oppa! " Y/n said, " Tell us what you and Jimin were talking about! "

"How come you don't call me, Oppa?" Jimin whined.

" Because Jimin-ah, you're a year and eight months younger than me and Hoseok Oppa is exactly seven days older than me! " Y/n answered while Jimin stared at her in shock.

"Dangsin-i naleul ihae? (Yo--you understood me?)" Jimin asked with his eyes wide.

" No. I just heard 'Oppa' and you whined a bit and since I just called Hoseok Oppa, 'Oppa' and called you 'Jimin' I assumed that's what you are complaining about. "

Jimin looked confused while Namjoon looked impressed by your bullshitiing skills. Y/n sighed and suddenly grew sad as she said, " I wish I could understand you, though. "

"Geunyeoneun dangsin-i oppa mal-eul deudgo issdago geunyeoneun danji Hoseok oppa ga anin dangsin ilago haessgi ttaemun-e , geunyeoneun dangsin-e daehae iyagi hago iss-eossneunji algo iss-eossda. (She said that she just heard you say oppa and since she had just called Hoseok oppa and not you, she knew what you were talking about)," Namjoon translated for Jimin.

Jimin looked pretty impressed too until he saw your sad smile, "Why does she look sad, though?"

"Because she can't understand you and she wants to talk to you." Namjoon said with a small smile.

"Mianheyo, Jimin-ssi." Y/n said, softly.

"It's okay, and call me Jimin-ah," Jimin said softly with a smile and that made Y/n smile ear to ear and she quickly got out of her chair and rushed over to Jimin to give him a hug.

" OH MY GOD! I think that was our first decent conversation!" Y/n said excitedly and then she blushed a deep red and returned to her seat, "Sorry, I do that a lot when I get excited. "

" A LOT ," pitched in Ani causing Y/n to glare at her. Ani just chuckled and said, " You told Namjoon, too! Karma's a bitch! "

" Aigoo! Why do I love you so much? " Y/n said with a cute face.

" Cuz, I'm awesome, You Hoe!" Ani countered.

Namjoon just smirked and Jimin's eyes rose at the words, "you hoe" while Kookie pretended to be busy with his food and Hoseok was just trying really hard not to laugh. Y/n was about to say something, when suddenly a verse of "We on" started playing and everyone tried to look for the source while Y/n blushed red as a tomato.

" Ummm. . .excuse me, it's my phone ," Y/n said, quickly getting out of her chair to answer the call.

Y/n returned a few minutes later with a weird expression on her face.

" I'm sorry, but I actually have to run to the company really quick, so excuse us. C'mon Ani, I'll drop you off at your company before I go." Y/n said taking out her blazer from her shopping bag and putting it on.

" Bye, Everyone ," Y/n and Ani waved at them as they got up.

" Do you think this blazer is too much to go to BigHit with? " Namjoon heard y/n ask Ani as they walked away.

" It's Chanel, why would PD-nim have a problem with that? " Ani replied.

" It's sparkling gold! " Y/n said outraged.

Namjoon got up and went after y/n and Ani as the others followed in confusion.

" You're going to Big Hit, right now? " Namjoon asked Y/n as he reached them quickly.

"Umm. . .yeah. PD-nim didn't say much, so I'm a bit worried. Do you think he's gonna have a problem with my golden blazer?

" It's cute and it's a Chanel. Why would he have a problem? " Namjoon agreed with Ani's earlier statement.

" See, I told you! " Ani exclaimed.

" But I really should get going. I have to take a bus there and I also have to drop this shopping at home and get a change of blazer, just in case. "

" You're blazer is cute and you look hot! Areso! Drop the shopping bags with me. I'll drop them off home tonight, along with the others ones you left at my house the other day. You just go ," Ani said.

"If that's the case, we can just take our car and we can also drop you off, Ani, at SM before we take her ."Namjoon offered.

"Really? I don't wanna be a trouble ." y/n said.

"Don't worry. You won't be! " Namjoon said with a small smile.

" What about your two missing friends? " Ani asked worried.

" We'll come back for them. Let's go!" Namjoon said hurrying up ahead of them already. There was a reason he was the leader of the group.

Everyone else just followed looking confused as ever. They all got into the car nonetheless and Namjoon explained to them briefly what was happening and they all visibly relaxed. Namjoon was sitting in the front while Ani and Y/n were in the middle and the other three were in the back.

They dropped off Ani (along with y/n's aggressive shopping) and Jimin moved to the seat right next to y/n and said, "geugeos-eun modeun gwaenchanh-eul geos-ibnida."

" Jimin said, 'Don't worry, It'll be all okay ,"' Namjoon said.

Y/n looked at Jimin and smiled at Jimin before squeezing his hand slightly and said, "Gomawo, Jimin-ah."

Jimin got slight butterflies when y/n touched him and he felt ecstatic that he had in fact said something at the right time to her.

They got to the company and took y/n to the elevator and dropped her off at the PD-nim's office.

"Y/n-ah! Fighting!" Jimin said.

"Gomawo, Jimin-ah," repeated Y/n with a nervous smile.

" We'll be out here, okay! Don't worry ," Namjoon said, trying to sound encouraging. Y/n took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

And, "OL," came PD-nim's voice from the other side of the door. Y/n opened the door and entered, " Oh. Y/n. It's you. . .I'm sorry. . . "

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