Jimin Park It Right there

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From: Unknown

You changed your number and you went out with the other one? How dare you? DO YOU WANT THEM ALL TO DIE! Watch me, while I kill your Bangtan!

Y/n dropped her phone and froze. Why is the week just getting worse and worse. She couldn't possibly put Namjoon in trouble as well. Why couldn't that creep leave her alone.

This was part of the reason why she didn't have a boyfriend and also had decided to move to Seoul, South Korea. The last year of uni, she had started getting these weird things like flowers and such. At first, everyone had thought she had a "secret admirer" but soon it had gone too overboard and she had ended up locked inside her room as she dealt with death threats. Pretty soon she had had enough and she had made up her mind to go to South Korea as she always wanted. It had been two months and that weirdo had found her again.

"What's wrong, Y/n? Y/n? Y/n?" Namjoon said shaking her.


"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all," Y/n said picking up her phone, "It's late. I gotta go. Take care of yourself and don't contact me for a few days. If you see me in public, look the other way. You don't know me. I don't know you."

Namjoon caught her wrist and stopped her from running towards her car, "Y/n wait."

"Go first. I'll follow you to your dorm to make sure you get in. Go!" Y/n said panicking and when Namjoon wouldn't budge yelled, "KIM NAMJOON! GO! NOW!"

Namjoon ran towards his car and put all the food in the back and drove away and Y/n was about to cry before she whispered to his back, "Take care of my Jimin too."

She hurried into her car wiping her tears and followed Namjoon to his dorm. Only when he had gone inside did she move from her spot.

She went home and saw that Ani had already gone to bed. She logged on to her Google to create a Google Voice number. She quickly sent out a text to Namjoon.

To: Namjoon

I just created a Google Voice number. Use it sparingly and don't even tell Bang PD-nim or anyone, jebal.

From: Namjoon

Is it safe for you to contact me? You didn't look too good earlier. You have to report it, Y/n. Whoever is doing this just can't keep having his way.

To: Namjoon

I have to keep tabs on you guys. Going to the Police tomorrow. Will keep you updated.

Y/n sighed and stared at the her computer for a while before she went and showered and headed to bed herself.

*        *        *

Jimin walked into the house and saw Jin Hyung serving the heated up dinner that Y/n had made for them.

"Come and eat, Jimin. I went out and got you guys some Indian food, today," Jin Hyung said smoothly.

"I'm not hungry," Jimin said, just to see Namjoon Hyung's reaction. Jimin saw him quickly look at Jin Hyung and soon Jin Hyung was yelling, "young man, I only ask nicely once. Sit your ass down at the table and you will eat with all of us!"

Jungkook quickly got up from the table and dragged Jimin to the table, "Let's eat, Jiminie Hyung. We know you had a fight with Namjoon Hyung but please eat."

Namjoon looked up and Jimin noticed the small bruise that had formed on his face. Jimin felt his cheeks flush and he said, "I'm sorry. Does it hurt?"

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