Epilogue: Young Forever

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[Four years later]

"Dadddddddyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! Wake up!!!!!" said a ball of sunshine as he jumped around on the bed.

"Dadddyyyy! Mommy is making chocwate pancuakes!! Get wup!! And mommy said not to sweep on your tummy! It's bad for the haat" said another one with his baby lisp, as he came and patted Jimin's face with his little hands. Jimin groaned and turned around to his back and smiled when they kissed his cheeks.

"You so wazy, Daddy," the younger one said.

"Ji Hoon, you shouldn't tawk to daddy wike that," the older one said.

"You tell him, Ji Hwan!" Jimin said opening an eye and smirking.

"But you is wazy, Daddy. Mommy is making pancuakes," Ji Hoon defended himself.

"Araso. Araso. I'm getting up. Where is your sister?"

"Mommy gave her baby cereal to eat. It's so yucky!" Ji Hwan said.

Jimin laughed and got up to quickly brush his teeth as he picked up Ji Hoon while Ji Hwan followed behind. Jimin saw his princess, Ji Hye, blowing bubbles with her cereal as her mom made pancakes. He felt extremely happy.

Ji Hwan was turning four today. He had his mom's brain. He was already learning three languages and was very much aware and responsible of his surroundings. Ji Hoon was three and he was a combination of the two. He was a fast learner and he loved to talk. He wanted to learn the big words like his brother already, but he was also very hyper. This boy had an immense amounts of energy at all times. Ji Hye was one and had amazing balance. Most likely to be the greatest dancer of all three. Just like her daddy.  

He had always wanted three boys, but Y/n wanted a baby girl. He realized after having her how unreasonable he was being. He didn't want a baby girl because she would one day leave him to go to her husband's house, but the joy of having a baby girl was worth it. Jimin walked up to Y/n and kissed her cheek.

"Oh my lord! Why are you boys always walking around naked?"

"I is not vaked, mommy. I is wearing a diaper," Ji Hoon said.

"Yes, you are Baby, but what happened to your shorts?" Y/n said kissing Ji Hoon's cheek as he refused to get out of Jimin's arms.

"But Mommy," he pouted, "Ji Hwan Hyung or daddy doesn't wear shorts."

"Excuse me, Mr. Ji Hoon. I AM wearing shorts and so is Ji Hwan!" Jimin said making a face.

"No you're not, Daddy. You is a wiar," he said pointing to Jimin's bare chest.

"He isn't wearing a shirt, Pumpkin. Shirt with an I not shorts with an o."

"I don't wike this, Mommy."

"What don't you like, baby?"

"You aways yeww at me."

"Awww. I'm sorry, Baby. I didn't mean to yell at you. I promise. How about I give you strawberries and cream with your pancakes?"

"Yayyy! I love you, Mommy. You da best," he said reaching towards Y/n. She hugged him and told everyone to go sit on the table. They had a nice calm breakfast and then came Ji Hoon's voice from the front of the house.


"Ne, Ji Hoon?"

"Uncle J-Hope and Aunty Jung are here!!"

"Is Ho Yoon with them?"

"Yes, mommy!"

"Then go play with her, sweety!"

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