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"I think a person's heart. . .it's the same as a butterfly. If you try to catch it by force, it'll run away. But if you be patient, it'll come to you."

---Wang Chi Ang 

(Moorim School)

Y/n slowly got up to grab a washcloth so she could wipe herself down. She smelled like the hospital! It was nasty. She couldn't even take a shower or her stitches could come undone. Jimin was currently sleeping on the couch. She couldn't do it in front of him and she can't ask him to leave, because she knows he would want a reason and she was too embarrassed to explain.

She sat on the stool chair and tried to untie her gown. She winced in pain as she lifted her arms again and failed. Suddenly, she felt a soft hand untying her gown. She looked over her shoulder and blushed a deep red when she saw Jimin standing behind her.

She put her hand on top of his as it rested on her shoulder as she started to hyperventilate.

"I--I--can do it myself," she whispered softly.

"I won't look, I promise," Jimin said with a whisper that was barely audible as he moved a bit to lock the door to her hospital room.

She moved her hand and let her gown fall as Jimin picked up the washcloth and wiped her back down looking above her head. Y/n shivered a bit and Jimin panicked, "Is it too cold? Gwenchana?" he said looking down.

"Gwenchana, Jimin-ah. I just haven't really touched water and I smell like a hospital," Y/n said making a face.

"You still look very beautiful," Jimin said with a smile before he moved in front of Y/n and quickly closed his eyes, "this is a lot difficult to do not looking than I thought. How about I close my eyes and you tell me to wish way to move the washcloth?"

Y/n smiled and slowly reached out to lightly grab his head and winced slightly, causing Jimin to open his eyes, "How about I keep your wandering eyes busy while you wipe my body with that washcloth any way you want," she whispered before moving in to slightly capture his lips in hers.

Jimin closed his eyes as he deepened the kiss and wiped her upper body down like she suggested. There was a soft knock that made Jimin jump a little.

"Just a minute," he yelled as he carefully tied Y/n's gown back and moved to open the door. Namjoon walked in and helped Y/n who was trying to get herself up and into her bed.

"How are you feeling, now?" Namjoon asked putting Y/n back onto her pillow.

"In dire need of some home cooked food and a hot shower. I feel like I'm getting more sick sitting here. It's already been three days, how long do I have to stay here?" Y/n whined and Namjoon and Jimin both smiled because she rarely complains about anything and they both knew she will complain about food and shower. It's also hard to stay still when you move around so much on a regular basis.

"Can I go home, now?" she asked.

"Let me go ask the doctor how you are doing," Namjoon said not getting up.

"Are you going to telepathically ask him?"

"May be. I mean yes! Absolutely!" Namjoon said closing his eyes, "No. The doctor said no."

"You're mean," said Y/n as the doctor walked in and asked, "I said no to what?"

"That I can go home! Please let me go home, Doctor-nim!" Y/n said pouting, "I feel old and gross and sick here."

The doctor laughed and said, "he's probably teasing you because I already told him that they can take you home today!"

"Really?" Y/n said cheering up and winced as she jumped up with excitement, "Thank you, Doctor-nim!"

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