Love Me Like You Do

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The Jeju Islands were beautiful. They've been here before. For their first honeymoon. They were here for a week and it was heavenly. By they, Y/n meant THE ENTIRE FREAKING BANGTAN SQUAD. She loved them and all, but c'mon. She couldn't get two weeks alone with her husband?

When you are in a secret marriage with a musician, you have to travel with his group so no one suspects why the marketing manager and one member is missing for the exact same duration and on the exact days. EVERYTIME. And this included her honeymoon. Granted the rest of the boys were staying on the other side of the hotel and they had occasionally met for drinks or dinner, but it was still weird your husband's best friends on your honeymoon.

Okay. Inner rant over. Despite the whole squad situation, she was happy she could spend some alone time with Jimin.

Their first time had been kind of awkward. Y/n was awfully nervous, blushy, and jittery while Jimin was trying to take it slow. It was worth it, though. When she woke up tired, sore, and as truly Jimin's wife. Jimin's wife. That had a nice ring to it. Y/n can't believe it's been a year already. They had decided to make it public on their anniversary and surprisingly, most people were okay with it and those who weren't, well fuck them! This was their life. Haters gonna hate, right?

She stared at her left hand as she recalled those early memories. This was their official official honeymoon. Without the boys. Thank god. She smiled when she saw her peaceful looking Jimin just sleeping away. They had gone at it a couple times last night and she was not ashamed at all. She turned to her side slowly and ran a soft finger on Jimin's lips.

He mumbled something in his sleep and Y/n pulled her hand away. She should just let him sleep. He must be tired. She got up to find her clothes scattered around the room. She out on the first article of clothing she could find and rushed off to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

She walked around the hotel room and cleaned up the mess a bit. Honeymoon or not, she was still the Y/n who hated a mess.


Jimin woke up to find an empty bed. He frowned as he rubbed his eyes and headed off to the bathroom to freshen up. Maybe she went out to do something, so he might as well just get some things done. Why would she go anywhere without telling him?

Jimin smiled at the mirror as he took off his shirt to see all the marks Y/n had left last night. One year already and he still couldn't get used to the fact that he had this beautiful woman as his wife and that she will eventually become the mother to his children. Y/n would make a wonderful mother. She already took care of BTS so well. Like they were his kids even if three members were older and one was her age. Technically, they were all her age. A year or two of a difference isn't all that bad. He was about to get in the shower when he heard a noise from the other side of the partition wall.

He went out to see Y/n cleaning away. He shook his head at his wife. Only she would be cleaning on their honeymoon. He was about to leave her to it when he noticed that she was strutting around wearing nothing but his dress shirt. Jimin felt some type of way that he wasn't sure was appropriate for so early in the morning.

 Jimin felt some type of way that he wasn't sure was appropriate for so early in the morning

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