House of Cards

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"Yay!!!" yelled Hoseok and Y/n laughed and waved good bye.

She stopped at a red light and decided to check her phone. There were a series of messages from an unknown number.

"Peek-a-boo, Kitten. Looks like I finally found you. You can't hide from me."

"And neither can he. You let him touch you. Didn't you, Kitten?"

"You need to be punished and he deserves to be ruined. He should know better than to touch what's mine."

Y/n's hands started shaking and she quickly dialed Ani's number.


"He found me," she cried into the phone, "he found me, Ani."

"Calm down, Sweetie. I'm here with you. You need to calm down. Are you driving?"

"Yes, I'm scared to go home."

"I'm coming over. I'll be there in 5. Want me to pick you up?"

"No. I'm driving," she cried harder, "I was finally happy. Why does it have to be me? Why always me?"

"Sweetie, I need you to calm down and focus on getting home. Okay?"


"Good girl. Come home safe."

Y/n didn't feel too well, but she focused on getting home and out of this car. Y/n parked the car and ran upstairs and slammed her door as she broke into tears and slide down against her door.

What had she done?


Ani quickly ran forward to catch Y/n but she was already on the floor. Ani reached Y/n and hugged her tightly to her chest and she just cried and screamed, "he's going to get hurt. Just because of me, Ani! Why can't I ever be happy? I was finally truly happy today and I may have ruined the man I've been infatuated with for the past 7 years."

"Shhh, baby. It'll be okay. Everything is going to be fine. We just have to let the police know in the morning. It'll be fine. I'll stay with you a few days."

"What if he hurts Jimin?"

"He won't. I'll text Namjoon to meet you early in the morning and ask him to convince Jimin to stay away from you. He said he would hurt Jimin if Jimin gets close to you, right?"

"Yeah," Y/n said, wiping her tears, "Let's do that. I can ask Bang PD and request some 'work from home' time."

"C'mon, now. Get up. I'll make you some tea."


Jimin was very happy today. He was going to ask Y/n out today. He had the flowers and everything ready and being sent to the company. He had actually gotten up and left early. He know she comes here early so he wanted to see her first.

Jimin saw Namjoon get into an elevator and wondered what he was doing here so early.


Namjoon walked into Bang PD's room and greeted his manager.

"Annyeonghasseyo, PD-nim."


"You called?"

"Yeah. Y/n dropped these for you this morning and you are going to have to take over the lessons for a week so I suggest you read those."

"Why? Where is Y/n?"

"She had some personal issues she needed to resolve. She's working from home for a week."

"Ne, PD-nim," Namjoon said getting up and bowing.

"And Joon," stopped him PD.


"Make sure everyone stays away from her for a few days after you have that talk with her today."



Jimin gave up looking for Namjoon and came down the elevator. He suddenly saw a familiar figure exiting the ladies room in the lobby. She was wearing loose jeans with a black hoodie, a black snapback, and sunglasses.

He saw her looking for someone and he saw Namjoon step off an elevator from the other end. She took off her glasses to reveal Y/n. Y/n motioned at Namjoon to meet her in 5.

Jimin followed Namjoon and he saw Namjoon get in a black van with Y/n and they drove away.

Jimin felt the tears stinging as if he had just been slapped. First time he loves someone and she cheats on him before it's even official. He ran inside and blasted the music and dance his pain away.


"Why is the music so loud?" Namjoon asked Jimin, turning off the music. Jimin remained quiet and Namjoon continued, "Jimin. I need to talk to you."

"But I don't want to listen."

"It's about Y/n?"

"About the fact that you two have been fucking behind my back?" Jimin scoffed.

Namjoon stayed quiet for a bit and he finally said, "it's not what you think, Jimin."

Jimin punched Namjoon and yelled, "you fucking bastard! How could you do this to me after you knew!? I thought you were my brother! You knew how much I liked her and you still did that!"

"It's not what you think," repeated Namjoon.

"Stop lying," Jimin punched again, "I saw you two leaving this morning. I guess I was the fool to trust you two! I saw how you two looked at each other! I should've known! God, I'm so stupid to trust you!"

Namjoon got mad and punched Jimin back, "fine! Think what you want, but just keep the fuck away from Y/n! She's mine!"

Namjoon got up and left as Jimin broke down.

"Sorry, Y/n. I know you told me to tell him in a way that wouldn't hurt him. I don't know the reason why you want Jimin away from you, but this will definitely keep him away," Namjoon thought to himself before he turned around and looked at the crying boy behind him.

"I'm sorry, Jimin. Y/n will always be yours. I'm sorry for hurting you. I hope you get her soon."

Namjoon walked away and let Jimin pour out all his tears onto the dance floor.


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