I Need U

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"Hello, Y/n!" Ronnie said as he sauntered his way to Y/n. She was cowering into the sofa as he tried to overpower her.

"What do you want, Ronnie?"

"You!" he yelled, "I wanted you, but you never cared about me! Now I'll teach you a lesson for rejecting me! No one rejects me!"

A scared Y/n backed away even further as Ronnie took off his shirt and tried to move for Y/n. She kicked him in the knee cap and Ronnie cursed at her loudly and grabbed her neck.

Y/n woke up covered in sweat, choking for air and saw Jimin sleeping next to her. She calmed herself down so she doesn't wake him up and stared at his angelic face. He looked even more beautiful when he was sleeping.

She smiled and sighed staring at his sleeping figure before grabbing her phone to take a picture. She silently laughed at how adorable the picture came out before she saw a text on her screen.


"It's not here," Y/n said to the hooded figure rummaging through her bookshelf. The figure stopped suddenly and grabbed something in the back pocket.

"Put it away," Y/n said moving towards the switch to flick on the light and she was interrupted by a knife being thrown at her. She caught the knife and looked straight at the hooded figure as she turned on the light, "I told you to put it away, Ani. Now I'm mad."

"Does it look like I care," Ani asked as the light came on to her.

"You should, Bitch, because you need to pick a fight with somebody your own size!"

"Fucking bitch," Ani said throwing another knife at her and failing to hit Y/n. Y/n threw the knives back at Ani and she was pinned to the wall.

"You forgot, sweetheart. I'm trained in Krav Maga and Kickboxing and I'm pretty sure gun and knife training are part of the curriculum."

"Didn't do you much good last time?" spat out Ani.

"You caught me off guard last time. That only happens once. You had your chance, now it's mine!"

"What you gonna do? Beat me up?"

"Naah. That's too easy. I could've done that when you jumped in through my window and hid in my pantry when I arrived home, but no. Imma let you run. Run as far as you can. All you gotta do is let me know!"

"Let you know what?"

"The reason you did it. The reason you turned your back on a friend who treated you like an older sister. Why you turned away from two parents who considered you their second daughter!"

"Because I hate you, you bitch!"

"What did I do?"

"You take everything from me! Every guy I like, you take him away from me! I liked that Japanese guy in university, you took him. I stand by you when you look like shit and I spent three hours getting ready and you take their attention. I liked Ronnie and he likes you. He confesses to you and you reject him and he still likes you. I confess to him, and he likes you. I date him, and he likes you. We fight and he likes you. We broke up because he still loves you and I only love him. I still listen to his sorry ass complain about you falling in love with Jimin because I still love him. And all he fucking does is love you! All every one fucking ever does is love you! It's not fair!"

"So you had him stalk me and threaten Jimin and everyone in bangtan?"

"He's an idiot. It wasn't that hard. All I had to do was tell him what to do and he followed."

"What did you tell him, You bitch?"

"Get rid of Jimin and go comfort her. Because a shoulder to cry on will soon become a dick to ride on."

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