Stand Alone

355 12 17

From: Unknown

You fucked him, didn't you, Kitten? Told you not to do that. Now he must pay for your mistakes.

From: Namjoon

Jimin's hurt. Come to the hospital, NOW!

Y/n heart sank as she threw her phone against the wall, "WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LET ME BE HAPPY, YOU FUCKING CREEPY BASTARD!!!!"

Y/n jolted awake from sleep covered in sweat. She searched for her phone and saw no missed calls or texts from anyone.

She saw that Ani had already left for work so she quickly got up and grabbed her laptop and sent a quick text to Namjoon.

To: Namjoon

Is Jimin alright????? Is he safe??

From: Namjoon

That bastard got drunk and passed out after he bad mouthed you and I slapped him.

To: Namjoon  

You slapped my baby???

From: Namjoon  

Baby?? Da fuck, girlfrand? But, yeah. He was being an asshole.

To: Namjoon  

You were prolly being a dick to him. But eeeh. Okay. It's good that he's okay.

From: Namjoon  

Wait, a minute. *dramatic camera angles*

To: Namjoon  

What is it? *opens mouth dramatically*

From: Namjoon  

Why were you asking if he's okay? Unless something happened. He's been here the entire night so nothing could be happening.

To: Namjoon  

I don't know what you're talking about.

From: Namjoon  

You were being a naughty little girl in your dreams, weren't you??? 😍😍

To: Namjoon  

Da fuck is you talking about?

From: Namjoon  

You know exactly what I'm talking about!

To: Namjoon  

No I do not.

From: Namjoon  

You said you can't be involved with him because his career and life will be in danger. This morning first thing you asked was if he was safe. Hence, you had a wet dream and couldn't figure out if it was true or not. So you had to make sure he was safe.

To: Namjoon  

That's quite the theory, Mr. Kim. You should become a science teacher instead.

From: Namjoon  

At least you didn't deny it.

To: Namjoon  

I still don't know what you're talking about. Imma eat something. Take care.

From: Namjoon  

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