Half Moon

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"You can't do this, Y/n!" Namjoon yelled, "he loves you. You can't do that to him."

"He may like me but he doesn't love me. And he'll get hurt if he hangs out with me. Please, Kim Namjoon. I beg of you. Please convince him to stay away from me."

"Why do you want me to do your dirty work for you?" Namjoon said bitterly.

"I can't. I can't talk to him. He may. . .no he will be ruined if he comes close to me. I will never be able to live with myself if anything happens to him."

"You love him that much."

"No. I do not love him. Just tell him to stay away from me," Y/n said getting up to leave when she was yanked back and pressed between the car seat and Namjoon's body.

"Are you lying to me or yourself?" Namjoon said putting some stray hair behind her ear. Y/n closed her eyes at the touch and whispered, "please try not to hurt him. Keep an eye on him for me."

Namjoon pulled Y/n into a hug and she cried loudly, "Please. Please keep him safe. Don't let anything happen to him. Even if he hates me for the rest of his life. Please, Namjoon. Promise me!"

"I promise. I'll keep you both safe!"

Y/n pulled back and wiped her tears and asked Namjoon for his phone and entered a number, "that's my new number. I had to disconnect the older one. Don't give it to anyone. Only you, PD-nim, and Ani have this. This shouldn't even go anywhere Jimin."

"Don't worry. I'll make sure he can't contact you anyway. I'll keep him safe. You stay strong and safe."

"I'll leave first. I parked my car nearby. The driver will take you back to the company or dorm. Wherever you like to go."

"Be careful, Y/n."

"You as well. I know I can't and didn't tell you much, but thanks for believing me and agreeing to save the man I love."

Namjoon smiled at that. Maybe it slipped or may be she did it intentionally, but he knew only a strong hearted woman who truly loved someone would be able to do what Y/n was doing right now. He admired her courage.

"And Namjoon?"


"Take care of your man, too. Don't keep him waiting long. He really loves you," Y/n said before she disappeared out the door.

[End of Flashback]

"Hyung! Where is Jimin?" V said as he made his way over to Namjoon.

"I don't know," Namjoon said dismissively and went in his room to get some rest. His head was spinning right now. Too much had been thrown at him in the past few hours. Mentally and physically. He was drained, right now. He saw Jin walk into his room.


"Ne. I just have a headache. I'm going to sleep it off," Namjoon said sitting on the bed.

"I'll get you some medication. Get some rest," Jin said turning to leave when he suddenly stopped, "Do you really not know where Jimin is?"

"He was crying at the company when I saw him last."

"He was crying?"



"I don't know why he's crying. He's the one who punched me."

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