Like A Star

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"You be a good girl there," a middle aged man said hugging her.

"Papa. Don't worry. I'll take care of myself."

"Asia is a dangerous place for women, you can still reconsider."

"I can't, Papa. I've lived so much in fear here that I don't want to stop pursuing a dream because I'm a woman."

"Don't tell anyone."

"About what?"

"Make sure to protect yourself and stay safe, sweetheart."

"i will, Papa. I love you," she said coming out of the hug and hugging her crying mom.

"Maa. Stop it, yaar."

"No," Y/n's mom said smacking her arm, "I told you not to go! Why don't you listen?"

"Sorry, Maa. But I have to. You know that," Y/n said kissing her on the cheek, "smile naa, maa! You know how much I love you!"

Y/n's mom smiled and untangled herself from Y/n's arms, "Okay. But don't forget to call me when you get there. Call me when you get to the house and call me everyday to make sure you are okay, or I'm going to come there and drag you back."

"Haye, Amma! Chill, yaaar! I'll call you. I promise."

"Okay, go now. Or you'll miss your flight. Bye, baby!"

"Bye, Maa. Bye, Papa."


"Amma!" Y/n said softly into the phone, "I miss you, Amma!"

"Y/n!! Oh my god, baby! You finally remembered your Amma? I miss you so much! How have you been?"

"I'm good, Amma," Y/n said holding back her tears.

"What's wrong, baby? Why are you crying?"

"Nothing, Amma. I just missed you a lot today!"

"I miss you too, baby. When you coming back?"

"I just started a new job, Amma. I have a house, a car, and I've made so many friends. Everyone is so nice here."

"Is Ani taking good care of you?"

"Yes, Amma. She's always with me when I need her."

"Where is she now?"

"She had to go out to her friend's birthday party today."

"I wish you guys would live together. You two are like sisters and she helps you so much."

"I know, Amma," Y/n said tearing up, "I love you, Maa."

"I love you too, Beta!"

"Okay, Maa. I gotta go."

"Bye. baby. Take care."

"You too, Amma."

Y/n cut the line and cried with her head in her hands. She couldn't tell her mom anything. This could be the last time she would hear her mom's voice as a dignified woman. Y/n jolted up with a sudden knock on the door. She wiped her eyes and went to the door.

"Who is it?"

"Your special guest."

Y/n felt shivers down her spine and opened the door. She couldn't believe the person standing in front of her.

"Ronnie?? What are you doing here?? How did you know I was here?" Y/n said happily hugging Ronnie. She and Ronnie were really good friends all throughout college. He was a sweetheart and she had a crush on him when she first met him.

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