Meoreojijin Ma, Tomorrow

409 11 20

(Don't Get Far Away, Tomorrow)

"Let me finish," he said as he stared into Y/n's eyes, slightly angry, "you shouldn't make suggestion that could mean something else to somebody else, Y/n. It may just be a lunch to you, but it'll be a date to me."

"Who said I don't want it to be a date?" she whispered softly before she giggled slowly, "It's like I'm a teenager again. You know how you fans win those "A date with Park Jimin," kind of competitions.You can think of it as a date. I thought you didn't want to go with me or something. Anyways, kaja!"

Jimin mentally facepalmed himself. Why was she innocent sometimes? Did she think he was seriously joking right now? He got into the car nonetheless.

*           *          *

It didn't matter who thought what. Jimin was happy he had come with Y/n. She was a very good cook. She made cabbage Kimchi, green onion paejon, and pork Japchae and since she was a vegan herself, she said she had left out the pork for herself. He doesn't know how she survives but apparently it had started out as a religious restriction, but now it was just a personal choice. Jimin respects that. Despite being vegan herself, she still made sure Jimin would enjoy his meal. She was very thoughtful like that.

It was a very good meal. He was kind of glad he had skipped his meal with the group. Otherwise he would never have had this chance. He should lie about stomachaches more often. He didn't know it would pay off like this. He thought that it was going to be like something out of those romantic comedies where the guy gets invited to the house and then they end up sleeping together. But it wasn't.

It was fun, nonetheless. They had their little chit chat and then Y/n went to go wash up and do some touch ups on her makeup. She was currently talking to him as she applied eyeliner on her waterline in the bathroom as Jimin was laying with his feet hanging from the bed. He loved how he could be so casual around her. I felt like he had always known her, because he would never do this at anyone else's house.

"So, what are you guys doing for the rest of the day?"

"Hmmm," hummed Jimin, staring at the ceiling and swinging his legs back and forth, "it feels nice and quiet here. It's too loud at my house."

"Is that your way of telling me to shut up?" chuckled Y/n as she went back to her eyeliner. Y/n finished up her makeup and went out the bathroom and found Jimin laying there with his eyes closed. Y/n walked up to the bed and quietly sat next to her bed and whispered softly, "we should head back now."

Jimin sighed softly and said, "five more minutes, please."

Y/n hummed quietly and started to gently run her hand through Jimin's soft hair and Jimin leaned into her touch. After a few minutes of circling through his hair, she heard soft snores and found Jimin fast asleep.

She smiled to herself and got up to grab another comforter to let him in sleep in. He looked tired and then he danced for a really long time. He needed the rest.

It was great that all they cared about was that her work was done, so as long as it was taken care of, she could chill at home. Y/n decided to work on some of her stuff in the living room as Jimin slept in her bedroom. Y/n put on her headphones and started working away. Music always helped her concentrate and forget about things and she was worried. She was worried right now.

She had to bring out her long buried feelings for this man, now? Why? Why did she think it will be okay? Forget that he's a celebrity, dating a coworker never works out. You see them everywhere and slowly when things fall apart, it's bad that you have to see them everyday and on top of that, it's usually a compliance issue in every company.

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