What Am I To You?

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"OL," came PD-nim's voice from the other side of the door. Y/n opened the door and entered, "Oh. Y/n. It's you. . .I'm sorry. . ."

Y/n's heart sank. Was this the call to tell her that she didn't get the job? This was pretty harsh. He could've just called. She prepared herself to hear the bad news, but it ended with a, "why did you mention the boys learning English?"

"It's a Marketing strategy, but I'm not hired, yet. Why would I tell you, PD-nim?" Y/n said smirking.

"Who said you aren't?" couNtered PD-nim.

"I haven't signed a contract yet."

"Then let's do it," PD-nim said pulling out the contract, "You get to be the marketing manager and the English teacher."

"Mwo?" Y/n asked confused.

"Since you're the marketer and it's a marketing strategy, you should be the teacher too."

"And pay?"

"Name your price."

Y/n smirked as he skimmed through the contract, before picking up a pen, "This is my price, do we have a deal?"

"Whatever you want."

"Perfect," Y/n said signing, "I'll start today. I would like a copy of the contract for my records, jebal."

"You truly are an American, aren't you?" PD-nim said, looking slightly impressed.

"And your expression tells me you wouldn't want it any other way," Y/n said getting up and picking up her bag and bowed, "excuse me, PD-nim."

"You're excused."

"Gamsaambnida, PD-nim," Y/N said bowing deeply. She tried not to smile when she saw PD-nim's face. Y/n had bowed too deeply and her dress wasn't all that concealing either. She decided to get out of there before her confidence turned into embarrassment.

"Cute blazer," PD-nim said. Lifting his eyebrows.

"It's Chanel. Of course it's cute," Y/n said with a confused face.

"How do you go from honorifics to sass so quickly?"

"It's one of many talents," Y/n winked before opening the door and giving another deep bow while PD-nim just chuckled to himself as he shook his head.

*               *             *

Jimin was having a hard time (quite literally) right now. He knew he shouldn't be looking and he will probably regret and feel like a pervert later on, but he was staring. . .well trying yet epically failing not check out Y/n who was bending over. . .ahem. . .bowing to PD-nim in front of him.

That dress that y/n was wearing hugged her features all at the right places and this woman knew how to dress and apparently Jimin knew how to imagine. It wasn't that difficult. She had a beautiful figure and the right amount of boobs and ass for her figure. He had a big butt, so he knew the struggle of finding pants, but he doesn't think he could handle this woman in pants. So he's glad she's always wearing a dress.

He was lost so much in his imagination that he didn't notice Hobi hyung until he felt a hand closing his mouth while whispering, "I know it's a great ass, but pull yourself together! You look like you never seen a girl before!"

Jimin just glared at him for a really long time and Hobi hyung started giggling uncontrollably.

"Oooh! I wanna know what's so funny!" Y/n said approaching them.

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