You're My. . .

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Y/n felt a soft breath on her forehead. She snuggled into the warmth but then she realized what she was snuggling into was most likely not a pillow. Pillows don't breathe. At all. She opened her eyes slightly and saw Jimin fast asleep. He looked really tired yet angelic laying there.

Y/n stared at him for a while and slowly got out of his grasp. She shifted her weight onto her elbow to get a better view of Jimin's face. His face had these perfect features and he looked so much at peace. She touched his face softly to see if he was awake. When he just continued snoring softly, Y/n looked around and saw a small fleece blanket and got off the bed.

She put on the blanket on Jimin and moved his hair out of his eyes and off his forehead. Y/n placed a kiss on his forehead before she could stop herself. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING, Y/N?" She yelled at herself in her head. She quickly moved away from the bed and grabbed her bag and shoes and left to find the rest of the members before Jimin wakes up and she embarasses herself even more.


Jimin felt a hand on his face. He could tell that is was Y/n so it was really difficult not to open his eyes. She moved his hair out his eyes and then he felt a small kiss on his forehead before she quickly gasped and grabbed her stuff and left the room. 

Jimin wanted to stop her, he really did. He wants to tell her how much he likes her, how much he wants her, but he thinks she's confused about her feelings. So, stopping her now and letting her know that he knows about the small peck on his forehead may make her embarrassed. She most likely will not talk to him for a while. 

She looked like a sensitive yet logical girl. She would figure it out and may be then Jimin could tell her how much he would love getting woken up like this, but for now, he decided it was better if he didn't mention it.

Jimin felt a smile come on his face as he thought Y/n pecking him. It was very sweet. He could feel her rosy scent all over him. He was engulfed in it. It was a beautiful moment. Jimin lingered for a few more minutes before he got up and made his way to the dance room.

"Where's Y/n?" he said walking in.

Everyone turned around to see Jimin standing at the door and Jungkook said, "What you mean, 'where is y/n?' We thought Noona was with you. At least that's what Joon Hyung said."

"She left a long time ago," Jimin said confused.

"Then where were you?" Namjoon asked.

"I fell asleep because I was tired."

"Hmm. . .she prolly just went to the office upstairs."

"Or she prolly just went to go get drinks for her naughty students," Y/n said walking in with two big paper bags.

"Noona!!! Thanks so much for the cake last night! I ate so much," Jungkook said running to hug her.

"Somebody's a ball of sunshine today!" laughed Y/n, "you're welcome, but you gotta help me. I don't want to spill the drinks."

"Sure, Noona," Jungkook said, taking the bags out of her hand.

"They all have your names on them."

"Are you tryna get us fat?" Namjoon asked making a face as he saw his favorite coffee.

"Not at all. You guys will burn off the calories, anyways," Y/n said sipping her own coffee.

"Why then?"

"I went to get some coffee so I got some for everyone. Plus, a way to a man's heart in through his stomach," Y/n said winking as she smirked at Namjoon, who just shook his head.

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