Bogoshipda Jeongmal

306 11 27

Jimin got up to open the door as Y/n worked on her project safely tucked away in bed. Soon her room was filled with seven cheerful men.

"Noona!!!" Jungkook and Tae yelled as Tae put the flowers on the nightstand and Jungkook ran to hug her.

"Hi guys!" Y/n hugged back happily, "how have you been? Are you guys working on your English?"

"We're good and yes we've practicing our English. We miss you, Noona!" Jungkook replied in English.

"Good job, Jungkook-ah! I'm so proud of you!"

"Thanks, Noona. We took the day off so that we could shee you."

"It's 'see', Love. Just like the letter 'c'."


"That's right! Good work, Jungkook!"

"Thank you, Noona!" he replied giving her a toothy bunny smile.

Y/n was about to say something when she was interrupted by a Skype call going off.

"Ooh. Who's that, Noona!?" Jungkook asked with wide eyes and everyone moved to take a look at the screen as the pretty lady in the screen yelled, "Y/f/n l/n, why on earth are you surrounded in bed by so many men!"

"Aish! Calm down, Amma! They are my friends!"

"Friends? Young lady, what did I tell you about making guy friends? Why do you always hangout with guys?"

"I don't know. Girls don't like me, I guess."

"I told you not to do so many squats! But do you listen? No!!"

"Amma! You're embarrassing me!"

"Oh no, Young lady! This is not what you call embarrassing! Wait a minute! Isn't that guy from all the posters in your room. The singer! What was his name? Beoblyul-ui adeul Jimin, I think. What kinda name is that?"

Y/n blushed a deep red and sunk further into her bed. Jimin laughed at her cute antics.

"Hi Amma,"Jimin said, waving.

"Hi beta!"Y/n's mom waved back.

"Are you guys taking care of my Y/n?"

"Yes, Amma."

"Hold on. Y/n?"

"Yes, Amma."

"Where's Ani? And why are you in bed at this hour? You should be at work, right now."

Y/n froze. Besides Jimin, nobody knew about Ani's involvement. Jimin asked everyone but Namjoon to step out for a bit as they talk to her mom. Jimin held his hand as tears started flowing down Y/n's cheek.

"What's wrong, Baby? Why are you crying? Why aren't you telling me anything? Baby?"

Jimin spoke to her mom as Namjoon translated, "Give her a moment, Amma. She just got out of the hospital."

"The hospital? What??"

"Yeah. Someone was stalking her and we had gone to the police station to report it. He came home when we weren't here and attacked Y/n. Luckily, Detective Song was here and he arrested Ronnie and took Y/n to the hospital. So one of us usually Jimin is always with Y/n. Ani reached here before we came back from the hospital and tried to attack Y/n but she was stopped by Y/n and Jimin and then arrested by Detective Song."

"Oh my god! My baby has been through so much. Thank you for being there for her so much, Beta. I can't thank you guys enough. I'm gonna kill those bastard for hurting my baby! Dad and I are coming over there, Y/n!"

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