The camera's

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Paul's pov: I woke up late this morning. Steph was already gone. She made breakfast and coffee. I ate breakfast showered. It was now 10:30. I got in my car and went to the store and got things for lunch. I drove to headquaters. I had a bag and a basket I went to Vince's office and knocked on the door and said "It's Paul. I have lunch for you and Linda. " Vicne opened the door and said" Thanks. Tell Steph I said hi" I said "Will do. " I walked down to Steph's office and opened the door and said "Babe." Steph looked up and I shut the door and lifted the basket up and Steph said "Yes omg I'm starving. " Steph got up and sat on the couch and I sat next to her and we had lunch and talked about the baby and names we decided on Aurora. Steph said" well I have to get back to work. " I said "Let me help you until I have to leave please baby." Steph said "OK." She handed me this stack of papers and a pen and said "You can start there." I said "OK cool." I started reading it and did what I was supose to on it and we were almost done when it hit 2:30. I said "Alright babe. I will see you at home love you." I kissed the top of her head and Steph said "I love you too." I walked out drove home and soon enough there was a knock at the door and it was Nikki. I  opened the door and said "Hi,Nikki welcome." She walked in and said "Its nice. " I showed her the whole house and then we sat down to discuss the process and prices.

Stephanie's pov: I finished really early so I went and said bye to my dad and headed home.

Paul'S pov: Nikki said "So the process is really easy. " Nikki stood up and said "You just start like this." And she climbed into my lap and went to go kiss me.

Stephanie's pov: I walked in and seen Nikki on top of my husband about to kiss him. I said "What the hell is this.  We have been married for almost 2 weeks and we are having a baby and you go and do this. Paul got up and said "Baby I can explain." I said "Oh really to ahead explain what I just saw." Paul said "She came over for the meeting and then we sat down to discuss the process and the price and she climbed on top of me and tried to kiss me." I said "Oh really? " I walked into our room and grabbed my makeup a suit  and a pair of clothes to sleep in and went to go walk out the door when Paul said "Where are you going? " I said "To my parents house.I'm staying there tonight." I walked out the front door and got I to my car and drove to my parents house . I walked in and my parents we're sitting in the kitchen and I said "Is my room still the way it was when I moved out?" Mom said "Yes why?" I said "One second." I went upstairs and put my stuff in my room and came back down and said "Well. We bought a house and I offered the Realtor who helped us buy the house if she could help see ours and she said OK and her and Paul we're suppose to have a meeting at 3:00 and before he went home he was helping me and I fished early so  I went home early and they were in the living room and she was on his lap about to kiss him." Mom said "I'm sorry honey you can stay here as long as you want." Dad said "There is no way Paul would cheat on you he loves you too much." I said "Well. I said what I saw and Paul said she came on to him. I believe him but I don't." Mom said "Steph your husband is young and hot girls are going to climb all over him you just have to accept it but you have to know that he would never cheat on you."

Paul's pov: I said "Get out now and don't ever come back." Nikki ran out of the house as fast as she could. I said "God dammit."

Stephanie's pov: I said "I believe him I really do but I don't  believe him at the same time." No one said anything for a minute. I said "I'm going to go talk to him. I might be back soon." Mom said "Good luck." I walked out and decided to walk. So I walked to the house and Paul was sitting there with his head down. I walked in and said "Baby." Paul got up and said "I'm so sorry she did that just please believe me." I said "I do and I could always check the camera's. " Paul said "The ones I had put in just in case I forgot to tell you. " Paul said"Where are they?" I said "That corner." I pointed to the right corner and then said "The book shelf and there is some outside." Paul said "Oh how do you check them?" I sat down and grabbed my laptop and pulled up the camera's from an hour ago and watched it Paul didn't lie. I got up and said "I'm sorry I didn't trust you. It wouldn't be the first time something like that happened not with an one as perfect as you. They lied to me and cheated that's why I didn't believe you." Paul said "It's OK baby." I said "You sure?" Paul said"Totally if I was you and saw that i would have flipped out right then and there. I wouldn't have left yet I might kill the guy first."I said "Why does it have to be a guy. It could very easily be a woman." Paul said "Yes but you don't go that way. Right?" I said "No I had a girlfriend once but it never went very far. You haven't done anything with a man have you? Maybe even Shawn" Paul said "Nooo. Never ever that's my best friend. I have never had those feelings twords him I mean I love him and everything but like as a brother. " I nodded and Paul said "When did you have a girlfriend?" I said "About a year ago right after collage. Paul said "Have you been with anyone else after her ." I said "I don't really know there was this guy we got married and are having a child together. Do you know him?" Paul said "Do you still see this man?" I said "Everyday all the time. " Paul said "Is this man handsome.! I said "Nope. He's sexy." Paul smiled and said "What's his name." I said "John." Paul said "What you didn't tell me you had husband before me and you have a child already." I said "I'm just kidding his name is Paul and I love this man with every bone in my body." Paul said "I love you too." I said " I'm still going to my parents house you can come if you want. I want to spend time with them before they leave." Paul said "Of course. I have something for you mom anyway." Paul pulled out the box and showed me the necklace and then handed me mine. Mine said daughter in a gold heart and my mom's said mom in a gold heart. Paul helped Mr pit it on and we walked down to my parents house and walked in the door and they we're still in the kitchen. We walked in the kitchen hand in hand. And my mom said "You guys seem better." I said "We are I trusted him and then looked at the camera's to make sure." Mom said "That's good." She looked at my necklace and said "Nice necklace Steph who has the mom part." Paul said "You do." And handed her the box. And mom said "Awww these are so cute. "Dad helped mom put it on and then dad and Paul both pulled out a box and handed it to each other. They were watches with dad and son inhraved in them.  Mom helped dad out his on and I help Paul put his on. And mom said "What do we want to do for dinner?" I said "I don't know but the baby is hungry. " Paul said "I got it. Babe you and your parents go find a movie." I kissed the top of her head and wipered in her ear "I'm ordering pizza. " Paul went outside and came back a half an hour later with pizza. We all sat on the couch and watched a movie and ate pizza. It was relaxing.

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