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Aurora's POV: After Nattie left I went and called my mom and asked if I could come over and talk to her by herself. I went over and dad was leaving for NXT,so me and mom were alone to talk. I got a drink and sat down on the couch and mom said "So what did you want to talk about?" I said "uh... OK. Well you know how you and dad me And grandpa tried to keep you apart and you couldn't date. Does that apply to me?" Mom said "Why do you want to know? Do you like one of them?who?" I said "Well lastnight after the party you threw Nattie and the others threw me and a party and I kind of slept with one of the superstars." Mom said "Well do you like him?" I said "Kind of i don't really know him we don't hang our much except last night." Mom said "I'm fine with it but I don't know about dad. Who is it?" I said "Well he's kind of the wwe world champion." Mom said "No way!he's a good choice. I think he is perfect for you." I said "Really?' Mom said "yea and he's cute but don't tell your father I said that he would kill me. I said "OK. But I dont know if he wants to be in a relationship." Mom said"Well you have to see.Let's go!" She stood up and grabbed my arm and pulled me outside and I said "Where are we going?" Mom said "You'll see."mom drove to the arena where smackdown was tonight it was a couple hours before the show and everyone was there. So my mom told me to go talk to Roman so I did. I pulled him into a to and when I went to talk he kissed me with so much passion. We kissed until we were gasping for Air. Then Roman said "What were you going to say?" I said "Nothing.That answered it." Roman said "Do your parents know?' I said "My mom does. She likes you." Roman said "And your dad?" I said "I didn't tell him yet he's at NXT.. I told my mom and she drove me here to talk to you." Roman said "ok,I have match and then a flight are you guys going with us this time?" I said "Yes,we have a storyline." Roman said "We?" I said "Yes." Roman said "You actually have a storyline? What is it about?" I said "Well it's a little complicated." Roman said "oh." I said "They didn't tell you yet?" Roman said "Tell me what?" I said "Were in a storyline me,you,Dean, Seth, and my parents." Roman said "oh. So what is the whole thing?" I said "Well we come out like my parent usually do. Then you guys come out as a heel and say all this shit and you attack my dad and Seth holds mom so she can't do anything to stop it and Dean holds me so I can't do anything and you beat him up and when your done mom runs over to him all worried and I leave with you all smiles and hugs." Roman said "Wow. I don't want to beat up your dad. What the hell?" I said "Well you were suppose to beat up my mom too but she might be pregnant any time soon." Roman said "I was not going to beat up your mom neither would Dean or Seth." I said "Awww." I hugged Roman and said "My mom is outside so we don't want to be in here too long." We walked or the door and mom wasn't where I thought she was she was talking to Seth.

Stephanie's POV: "Seth, Paul doesn't know yet but the writers want me and him to break up on screen and for me to with you and Vince approved it." I said as I crossed my arms. Seth said "Are you serious? I mean I have no problem working with you but not in a weird way but as a friend. You know." I nodded and said "Yes but this is stupid. Paul is going to be pissed." Seth said " Just don't tell him here. Do it where he can't reach me or Vince." I said "yea. I know. I will tell him when he gets home tonight." Seth said " ok." I hugged Seth and said "See you later." Seth said "bye."

Aurora's POV: I said "Why is she talking to Seth? Why did she hug him? " Seth walked away and I walked to my mom and looked at her and she said "I know what your thinking but we were talking about storyline. I can't tell you what it was because the writers want your real reaction." I said "Whatever." I kissed Roman and said "See you later." Roman walked away and mom said "I'm not lying we were talking about storyline. You'll see Sunday." I said "ok. Can we go I still have to pack." We walked outside and got in the car. Then drove home.

Stephanie's POV: The whole drive home was silent. I was going g to ask about Roman but she looked pissed. When we got home. I said "I'm going to talk to your father tonight." Aurora said "About?" I said "The seth thing." Aurora said "Ok,well I'm going  to go pack for the flight. I will see you there." Aurora got in her car and drove away. I went inside and laid down and took a nap before Paul got home. It was about 11:30 when paul got home. He walked in and came in the bedroom and laid down and said "Babe why are you still up?" I said "I kind of needed to talk to you about something." Paul said " We can talk about anything." I said Yea. I know but this might seem a little bad." Paul sat up and put his hand on the side of my face and said "What's going on babe?" I said "So you know how we have that storyline with the shield and Aurora." Paul said "Yes?" I said "Well that's not all. After Roman"beats you up" Auroa leaves with Roman. "Paul nodded and I said "And I leave with Seth." Paul said "Why did they write this? Who all knows and is suppose to know?" I said "Only you and Seth know but your not suppose to know and Aurora is all pissy because I told Seth and you know how good of friends we are and she thinks there is something going on between  me and Seth." Paul said "And is there?" I said "No,I like him as a friend and he's gay." Paul said "Oh,Ok I was just checking." I said "So your not mad?" Paul said "At you? No at your dad? Yes." I said "I know, and I don't know why he approved it." Paul said "Do you think he is trying to say something." I said "I don't know. We can ask him tomorrow." Paul said "Ok,now we have to leave  for our flight." We got up and grabbed our suitcases and went on the plane. We had a private plane so we were going to leave a little earlier but Aurora wasn't there. Aurora called and said she was running late and that we should just go and she will be there later. We got on the plane and headed to Dallas ,TX. We hadn't told Paul about Aurora and Roman. So I said "So me and Aurora had a talk about guys." Paul said "And?" I said " She likes someone." Paul said "And who's that?" I said "He's a superstar." Paul said "Which one?" I said "Well it's Roman."  Paul said "What?" I said "She likes Roman." Paul said "Are you serious?" I said " Yea and you can't do anything about it ?" Paul said "And oh why?" I said "Well because we had the same problem and she kind of is already with him." Paul said "What?" I said "Paul calm down." Paul said "Why?" I said "Because it's not your decision. She is our daughter but it is not our life to live. We went through the same thing with my dad." Paul said "Your right. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's just she's our daughter and I want to make sure she's ok and doesn't get hurt." I said "She will be happy and she will be hurt we can't stop that we can just be there when she is." Paul said " Your right." Paul kissed me and I sat in his lap and cuddled up in his chest and fell asleep.

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