The Attitude Era

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Paul's Pov: I got a text from Steph that said " Guess what. We get to do a segment together and a story line a love story line!" I texted "That's great. But where did they get the idea from?" Steph texted "My dad said that they knew we were seeing each other. But I don't know how. I'm not saying that I don't want people to know. It's just we didn't tell anybody or do anything at work but my parents and Trish. But now that everybody knows we can do what ever we want. The only thing I was worried about was my dad. But he likes you." I said "I know I didn't tell anyone. I didn't even tell my mom. Speaking of my mom I want you to meet her tomorrow night. Will you?" I was nervous sending that text. Was I moving to fast. Too late to turn back now. Steph texted back "I would love to meet her! What time?" I got happy when I read her text. I texted back " I will pick you up at 7:00." A minute late Steph texted back "Perfect!"

Stephanie's POV: Paul just asked me to meet his mom. That's a big step. I texted Trish " Paul asked me to meet his mom tomorrow night. Would you be able to help me get ready? It's really important to me that she likes me." I sat there impatiently waiting for Trish to text back she eventually did. Trish texted " Wow. His mom that's a big step. Are you ready for that?" I texted " I am so ready. I want this to work and I want everyone to be involved so no one gets mad because we didn't tell them" Trish texted "OK. Good,I will help you. What time should i come over?" I texted "6:00. He's picking me up at 7;00. Thank you so much. I don't know what i would do with out you." Trish said "OK and your welcome." We have our segment soon so i need to go get ready.As i was walking back to my room i seen Paul i smiled and went into my room.I Turned on the TV to know when we had to go. I fixed my makeup and i hear a knock at the door. I opened it and it was Paul he had a bag and said "Do you want to eat before our segment?" I said "Yes." As i smiled and let him in. We sat down and he gave me a salad and i said "Do you want a drink." As i got up. Paul said '"Yes." I grabbed two glasses and set them on the table then i went to the mini fridge and grabbed the bottle of Merlot. And poured it into the glasses and drank some and said "So how's the rest of your day been." Paul said "It was OK but the best part is when i had lunch with you and now that i'm sitting here with you again. My dad couldn't get any better." I smiled and said"Are you sure it can't get any better?" Then i kissed him. Paul said "Now it just got better." as he smiled. I grabbed my glass and drank some more and then grabbed a fork and began to eat my salad. Then Paul said "What do you think we will do when we go out there?" I grabbed the paper my dad had gave more for the idea of what we were suppose to be doing. And said " Well we are suppose to go out there and interrupt my dad as a couple and we drive him insane. And this is suppose to start the attitude era." Paul said "Cool so we walk out and just mess with your dad. This should be fun." I said "I know i can't wait to do this i have never had to be the villain before." Paul said "Yea it should be fun." As he took a bite of his sandwich. We started talking and we finished eating i put the glasses on the counter and threw away the trash and sat down. I was on one end of the couch and Paul was on the other. I notice that he kept scooting over every time someone got hit . I moved too by the time the match was half way over we were both in the middle of the couch i was laying on him and his arm was around my shoulder. I have never felt so comfortable with someone. The match was over and we got up and started walking to the entrance and i grabbed Paul's hand and i looked at him and he smiled. We met my dad at the entrance and he said "There's my two love birds.You know i wasn't happy with this a first. Nobody is when their only daughter starts dating. But i am glad it's you. Your a good man and you are right for my daughter. I have never seen her this happy.'" Then my dad hugged Paul. I was shocked my dad hugged someone other than family.Then my dad's music hit and he started walking down to the ring. He got in and started saying stuff i didn't know what he was saying really. I needed to pay attention. Paul grabbed my hand and our music hit. I heard what he just said so i can make something off of that. We walked down to the ring and dad said "There's daddy's little gi-" I stopped him and said " I'm not daddy's little girl anymore." And i gave dad an evil look. Then dad said" What are you talking about?" I said "I'm not your little girl anymore. We are Mr. and Mrs. game." Dad had a shocked look on his face he looked hurt. I just said to myself he's not really hurt it's just the segment.Then dad said "When did this happen?" I said "A while ago." I said with a evil smile on my face. He looked at Paul and Paul said "She's right she's not your little girl any more. Soon to be the person who runs this show." Dad said "Is that so?" He said with a big smirk on his face. I don't remember what I said next but it I know I kissed Paul in front of him and he stormed off. Then our song hit and we walked out hand in hand.

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