Chapter 28

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He pulled an arrow quickly, and as he let loose, I teleported behind him.

"What the fuck?"

"I'm right here," I said in his ear. He flinched and cursed.

I focused in on his eyes, and watched what he saw. I was taunting him purposely, and I could sense his confidence slipping. He shot a few more times, then gave up, exhausted from pulling back the triple pulley system of his bow so much.



"Humility. This is true humility, and you need more than just today to learn it. From this day until I see you've learned enough of true humiliation, you are cursed. You will do everything in just the wrong way to make everyone think you're a joke. No one will take you seriously, and you will be humiliated publicly. Good luck."

I teleported home from his frightened face.

Kara was asleep on her bed, and Preston was still out from the enchantment. While they slept, I cleaned my dishes from breakfast. I'd been too lazy to do it in the morning, so I did it so it was out of the way. Kara woke up when I sat back down on the couch

"What did you do?" She asked, voice groggy.

"The archer? Oh he'll learn some humility in the next few weeks. That's the plan at least."

"Well, okay. Is Preston up yet?"


"Really? What'd you hit him with?"

"Standard sleep spell. I know he's not dead 'cause he's breathing, but he's still out."

"Is he taking it well?"

"As far as I can tell. Muscles are still loose and relaxed. I wouldn't be surprised if he goes amorphous again. He seems too comfortable," I glanced over my shoulder at him and snorted, "I spoke a hair too late. He's already shapeless again."

Laughing, Kara leaned over to see him. "Is he really?"

After a while of drinking a cup of tea, I noticed Preston was starting to wake up. I was three quarters of the way done with my cup, and Preston lifted his head. He opened his ruby and gold eyes and stared at me confusedly.

Groggy, he asked me a simple question with a simple answer.

"Where am I?"

"My house."

That woke him up quick. "The floating box?"

"Uh... Yeah?"

He scrambled into a corner, and shook.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"He's afraid of heights, Seto." Kara called from the kitchen.

"Oh. Come here, Preston. It's okay. The structure is sound. Sorcerer-approved."

He tentatively tiptoed over to me, watching his feet the whole time and occasionally looking up to see where I was. Once he was close enough, he sprinted and knocked me down. He sat in my lap, shaking violently, absolutely terrified.

"N-never again, please."

"If I don't have to."

"No. N-never."

"If I have to knock you out again, you need to sleep where I can see you."

"Why did you do that, Seto?" Kara asked, tea in hand.

"Actually, it wasn't on purpose. Naturally, my body heat cooled down to not overheat me from the lava, and it was just enough to let him sleep."

"How does your body do that?"


Eeeeyyyyyyy new chapter.

That archer is fucked, btw.

Just so everyone knows, I've been playing Undertale for a while now, and I'm stuck on Undyne the Undying. I'm in the middle of my Genocide route and she keeps killing me.


Love you guys!

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