Chapter 10

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"To visit."

"I'm not in the mood for visitors. Leave. I told you not to come back. Same with Jerome. Now what do you really want?"

I repeated myself, frowning. "To visit. Six months is a long time, Rob."

"Six months? It's been 3 years. And visiting isn't true, is it? If you were visiting, Jerome would come inside. He stayed outside the gate."

"It is best not to trap him in here again. He needs to stay natural in his own habitat. Same as me, but I knew you would not come to the gate."

"And why'd you think that?"

"You are acting defiant now, and I can imagine you would be the same if I stayed at the gate. You would ignore me and see if I went away, but I am determined, and I knew I would have to come to you."

"Naturally. Of course. I'm so defiant right now. What's that even mean?! Act defiant- I know you can be defiant, but act? It's an action?"

"Robert Latsky," I snapped, "You are a spoiled little brat with no attitude filter. Learn to treat others as you wish to be treated. You can most certainly act defiant- it is a shortened phrase form saying you are acting in defiance. And fix your grammar. It lacks."

I stormed out, a startled Rob in my wake. Jerome saw me, and grabbed me, depositing me on his back. Mitch whistled loudly, and a stunning golden coated horse approached. Mitch swung up onto it, grabbed its mane, and Jerome took off.

Back at the clearing, the group of baccas froze simultaneously. The horse Mitch was riding- spooked, and Mitch let it go. The pack was terrified of Mitch until it realized he was friendly. When Jerome did not attack or panic upon Mitch arriving, they assumed he was friendly.

"Sir, what shall we do about him? How long will he stay?"

"As long as he wishes, creeper. There is no time limit to visitation. Now off with you. Get some rest before dinner."

"Yes sir. Thank you sir."

I ran to the tree stump I had dug a hole into, and laid on my small cot made of grass and spongy moss. I fell asleep to the sounds of rain as it began to fall peacefully.

I woke up to find a gray fog disrupting my field of vision. I crawled out of my cot, and hissed, pulling back. It was still raining. In the fog, I made out the figure of a bacca.

It was not Jerome, but a female who apparently fancied him. Whenever she passed, I saw the look of disgust flash on his face. I knew Jerome hated her, and the way she followed him around. She refused to let him alone, even if he constantly rebuffed her. She was like an annoying magnet.

I had grown to dislike her, and yet, here she was. She laid down in front of me, shielding me from the rain. She purred, and beckoned me out. I refused, but when I did, she pulled me out by my thin scruff.

I yelped in pain from the rain, but she did not let go. She stopped outside the den of the alpha, nudging me forward. I ran in as rain fell on me, and tumbled into Mitch. He scooped me up in his arms, and carried me further inside.

He took me to Jerome, who was lazily laying across the back wall, fast asleep. Mitch wrapped me in his jacket, which was pleasantly warm. I fell asleep in a separate corner, letting Mitch be the last one awake.

I woke again, but this time to Jerome looming over me. I shrunk into the jacket around me, afraid of getting in trouble, but instead was met by a playful paw patting my head. I opened my eyes to Jerome, still standing over me, but in a more playful manor.

"Okay then...? Miiiiitch???" I called, uncomfortable.

So. That happened. I want a name for you guys. Like, you know now Sky calls followers recruits? Like that. I don't have one tho. I want one. Can you guys help me think of one?

Love you guys!

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