Chapter 55

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(Maybe slight fluff... You'll see... Maybe.)

-Rob's POV-
Preston's been here a month or two now, and he's getting better with the contractions and stuff. He speaks like human now, though slips up once in a blue moon.

He's slept in my bed since he arrived, and he still hasn't realized that he curls up to me.

Either he hasn't noticed, or he has and won't admit it, because he's up hours before I am.

By the time I'm awake, he's dressed, showered, eaten breakfast, and is usually being bored or sitting outside in the sun.

But today was different.

We'd spent hours last night working on his modern English, and we'd gone to bed at 2am. I got up to a sleeping Preston.

I couldn't get up though. His body was against mine, and he was holding me to him. His hair was tickling my neck, and when I shifted to stop the tickling, he just pressed his forehead into my shoulder blades, still out.

I smiled and gently pulled his hand away so I could get dressed and showered. Once I'd sat up, he curled in on himself, and his face scrunched up.

He immediately started to toss and turn, like he was having a nightmare. He kicked off the blanket, and lay curled in a fetal position, shaking and hugging himself.

"Preston," I whispered, "hey."

His eyes opened a little, then closed again. He blinked a little- slowly- before his eyes adjusted and focused on me.

"Rob?" He asked in his scratchy morning voice.

"Yeah. You okay?"


"Don't lie to me."

"Fine. I'm sort of okay."

"What's wrong?"


"Was it because I got up?"

"I think so. But why would you getting up give me a nightmare?"

He sat up, rubbing his eyes. He was waking up now.

"I don't know. It's like your stab wound a few months back. But Preston, we've got like, an hour tops."

"For what?"

"Preston, we have a party, remember? It's Kenny's birthday."

"Oh yeah. While you shower, I'll feed the horses quick."

"You don't have to."

"I want to. It'll help me with my fear." He got out of bed and stumbled downstairs.

He'd told me a few days ago that he's afraid of horses because he got trampled by a wild herd when he was younger.

I showered, called Preston inside to shower, and got dressed while he was in the bathroom.

I grabbed my old blue hoodie and pulled it on over a white tee. I pulled on my only pair of faded jeans and my worn out sneakers.

I regretfully grabbed my crown, because the higher ups would have a cow if I left it. It hurt my head, but I had to wear it.

Preston opened the bathroom door, ready to go already. He finished lacing his sneakers and we went downstairs to the stable.

The horses were ready, so we got up and spurred the horses to go.

I pulled my horse to a stop outside Kara's house and so did Preston.

"Ready? I don't remember if he's got friends over or anything so be prepared for anything and everything."

He nodded.

I pushed the door open to see Kenny, Kara, Mitch, Seto, surprisingly Jerome, and a few kids I didn't recognize, all talking and doing whatever.

"Hi," I walked up to Kara.

"Hello, Rob. And Preston, you look great. Healed nicely I see."

"Thank you Kara. You did an excellent job."

"Well, time to get the cake. Kenny, c'mon kid. Time for singing and cake."

His friends piled over to the table, and crowded Preston, who looked uncomfortable.

I stood on the other edge of the table with Preston when he escaped the kids and we watched.

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