Chapter 4

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"What did he say?"

"I have to spend a week here. Daytime spent in this pan, night in the cage. He said I could play with you guys if I am on my best behavior."

"Wow. Dad lacked his normal harshness. Huh."

"I think your dad likes Preston, Rob. Don't be surprised if he doesn't leave at the end of the week."

"Mitchell. I can already tell you that the King does not like Preston. If he did, he would have let Preston off the hook altogether. He was still punished."

"Yeah. Nevermind."

"Well? We still have a few hours til dark! I have questions about you, Preston. And Jerome, you need to explain yourself."

"Fire away."

"Why do you speak like that?"

"Like what?"

"You don't use contractions. You use each word."

"It is formal. It is what is considered- what is the term, Jerome?"


"Exactly. It is how we we are taught as children. Jerome is a much older than I, so he went through the speech a long time ago."

"Okay, why'd you change form when you came through the gates?"

"I can answer that." Jerome said, " The King put a magical barrier around the castle. Fantasies- us- are born of magic. Our entire home is laced in magic. The barrier strips is of our natural magic and gives us a human appearance."

Mitch shifted where he was sitting, leaning forward.

"So, if you two walked out those gates, you'd return to your natural looks?"



"Mitch, it is not so cool when you understand that this- being here- stings."

"It what?"

"Jerome is trying to tell you that being here hurts."

"I'm not catching the idea."

"It physically hurts. There is a constant stinging pain. I can feel it as well."

"That's awful. How've you dealt with it for so long?"

"How long, Jerome. How long have you gone with staying in here?" I asked, slightly panicked.

"12 years, Preston. And Mitch, I do not know."

"Jerome, that is too long. You need to step out. That is not a request. It is an order. Step outside that barrier right this instant."

"Wait," Rob stopped. "12 years? You're 8 though."

"No, I am 32. In your time, I am 8, and those 12 years become 3. In his time," Jerome pointed at me,"it was 6 months, and I am 1 year and 3 months old, if my maths is correct. Which I believe it is."

"Jerome," I growled,"exit now. You can talk about this when you return. You must step out. It is very bad for your health, Jerome."

I watched carefully as he shambled over to the gates, and sidestepped out. He immediately changed form- back into his original bacca state. I could tell that his skeletal structure had changed as well, because his knees bent the correct way now. He grew about two feet and his fangs came in.

Mitch looked overwhelmed, but when Jerome walked back in, he winced. His form morphed to human, and you could hear the bones click and crack until they reached human. Suddenly, he was human.

The bacca pupils did not disappear though, and Jerome shut his eyes, now sensitive to the light.

"Why did your eyes not change?"

"I am not sure. But it hurts. Mitch, can you please run in and grab the dark metal glasses on my bedside table?"

Mitch ran inside, and returned moments later with exactly that. Dark-lensed glasses made of metal. Jerome slipped them on and shook out his hair.

"That was not pleasant. It is dark now though. We must go inside before we get into trouble wit the King, Rob."

"I have to wait for the human. I am to be supervised when I move."

"Well then, night, Preston. See you in the morning?"

"Most likely. I am here for a week, so it is quite possible you will see me."

"Let us go, Mitch and Rob. We were expected to be inside 20 minutes ago."

"Okay. Bye Preston."

"Goodbye. I will probably see you in the morning."

And the three ran off for the front door as the human came out to bring me inside to the cage.

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