Chapter 56

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(Haha if you thought I was saying there would actually be fluff. Hence why I emphasized the word MAYBE)

-Preston's POV-

"Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Kenny, happy birthday to you." The group sang out of tune and frankly quite horribly. But with all the laughing, I assumed it was intentional.

Kenny blew out the 12 lit wax candles on the cake, and Kara pulled them out.

The noise erupted once again from the group of kids, and I shrunk down.

Rob put his arm around my shoulders, and pulled me into his side. He took off his crown, and settled it in my hair.

"You should be a bit more confident, Preston. The noise will stop bothering you if you think about something comforting. Try it."

I closed my eyes, and the first comforting thing I thought of was the feeling around my back. Rob's arm. His warmth. His successful attempt at comfort. His existence. I loved every second of it.

I realized he was right.

I couldn't hear the noise of the group anymore. I could only feel Rob's comfort. It no longer bothered me.

I looked up at Rob, being a foot or so shorter than him, and he looked down, a small, warm smile on his face.


I nodded. "Much."

"What're you thinking of?"


He blushed, and asked, "Really?"

I nodded again.

"You're very comforting. And I enjoy the comfort."

"Let's go sit down. My feet hurt already."

I followed him at a short distance to the couch, and I sat behind Jerome, who lay on the floor against the couch.

One thing my human body hadn't changed- my height. I was 4 foot 4 in my regular form and human form. Rob was roughly 5 foot 6. My feet dangled inches above Jerome's fur, and Rob's touched the floor.

The group got quiet when Kara gave them cake, and when she offered me some, I took it, then stared at it.

I had no clue what cake was.

Rob started to eat the piece he had, so I figured it was food.

I bit into the piece on my fork and hated it.

It was a taste I'd never liked as a kid.

Sweet and sugary.

It was too much.

I growled and gave it to Rob, who gladly ate it.

I realized that I was still wearing Rob's crown. He had never removed it from my head.

I stood up on the couch cushion and put it back on his head.

-(Cuteness warning)-

He managed to wrap his arm around my knees without my noticing, and pulled them from under me.

I fell, landing directly on his lap.

I looked at him, half startled by the fall, and half angry for him making me fall. I smirked, and pushed on his face so I cold get off the couch and his lap.

He complained when I shoved his face, but I laughed and ignored his muffled complaining.

"Rob, if you want me to sit with you, just tell me. Don't trip me and make me fall."

He blushed, and got up.

"Well, time for presents, so let's go."

"Come along, Jerome." I said, and nudged him so he got up.

"What is all this talk of presents? What is a present?"

"A gift, something you give someone else."

"How do you know that?"

"Rob. He gave me a present for my human years birthday."


"Well? Let us go see these presents that Kenneth is unwrapping."

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