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I went a while wondering why until next semester, and what had happened for her not to start this semester. I didn't want to ask or the whole group would start getting specious. That's the last thing I wanted so finally it was November 17 and I decided to request to follow her on Instagram. I find it hilarious how I waited almost 10 months since I first heard about her to actually get the courage to do something so simple. I know it's just a social media page but I was so nervous to send a request to follow her.
I waited and waited.. Nothing. She had yet to answer my request! I knew what I had to do. Just like that cliche saying 'you have to fight for what you want', so I decided I'd fight. Not with fist or words but with charisma. I like to think I have a great sense of humor. Alex, Kelley, Ashlyn, and Lauren always tell me I'm hilarious. I believe them but I'm still shaky about it since they do play around a lot..
Still nobody knew I had a small but cute and serious crush on Christen and for now I wanted it to stay that way. So no one would tease me about it or tell her! I hadn't even told Alex. Only thing that knew about my crush was my walls in my room, since I would spend time just thinking about her beauty and complicating whether she would ever actually talk to me. Aside from that I came up with a plan, so I posted a picture on Instagram and hash tagged it sincealexhasreplacedme. It's an inside joke, where I got on to Alex for replacing me with Christen that week because I was at my sisters boot camp graduation all the way in South Carolina, and when I came back all I heard about was Christen. So obliviously I wanted to talk to her, surprising my planned worked and Alex tagged my replacement on my Instagram. Christen accepted my request and requested to follow me. I swear I screamed when she followed me back! I was so happy. Then to my surprise Christen commented on my picture, I remember the exact comment too. How could I forget¿? She said "I'm so fucking confuse !" The fact that she used a present tense confuse instead of confused made me laugh and I don't even know why. I'm not smart or good at English so it must've been the fact that that was the first form of actual communication me and Christen had ever had. I'm pretty sure I was blushing hard even though I was to excited to get out of my bed and check a mirror I remember a blast of hotness feeling my face, from the bottom to the top. I was so excited, I didn't know what to do! Should I respond to her comment or let Alex handle it, luckily Alex handled it. I still wanted to part of it so I answered her back too, just to try and get her attention. Apparently it worked because she directed messaged me, not exactly the first convo I expected to have with her but it was the first and I was determined to make a good/ hilarious impression on her. Because I know most people like a funny friend. She asked me if I was friends with Julie Johnston, I was curious now. Julie is a starting defender for our soccer team and a good friend also. Once I responded to her, she asked me how jj was and she explained to me that they had fought and weren't friends at the moment. I wasn't much of a drama person so I stayed out of it. And answered her questions about jj in a simple manner. Finally the conversation was dying and day was turning into night. I don't know from where I got the courage to ask for her kik but I did. Even more shocking was what she said "Yes. It's christen_press". I didn't answer the message for a awhile so it wouldn't seem that I was desperate, which I wasn't I was just overjoyed.

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