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We texted everyday for the rest of the Christmas/New Years break. I dreamed of us, and us kissing at midnight. I invited Christen to come over for New Years but sadly she wasn't able too. Before you knew it just like every break it came to and end quickly. I wasn't complaining at all, this meant Christen starting at the same school as me. The first day back everyone could tell that I was happier than before but no one knew why. Christen sent me a picture of her schedule, it read 1st period Algerba, 2nd period Principles of Health Science, 3rd period Geography, 4th period Spanish I, 5th period Science with B lunch, 6th period Principles of IT, 7th period Athletics, and 8th period English I cp. Out of all her classes we had lunch and English I together with Mrs. Simpson. I told her she'd love English, Mrs. Simpson was a young, funny, pretty, and understanding teacher. She would talk to us about life, drugs, sex, alcohol, partying, education, judging people, trust, friendships, and many other things. It's like she was everyone's bestfriends giving out advice to help us get through High School. I told Christen to be careful who she hangs out with, the wrong crowd could lead her to temptation. Especially at my school we're dealing drugs and doing drugs is at the top of the charts followed by sex and then education. Here everyone has a friend that does drugs, it's just the truth. I hope she listened to my advance, all I want is the best for her. Christen was a shy girl when it came to first meeting people then she got comfortable really quick. I wasn't surprised when I saw her at lunch surround by some of the peps asking her to sit with them. I wasn't at the bottom of the high school categories but I wasn't at the top. I was smart, kind, quiet, and observing, which classified me in the middle of the category. Plus I was good at soccer and wore nice clothes which gave me a boost in the categories. Still I was sure she'd pick to sit with them. I had already heard stuff all morning about how the new girl was hot and nice. I even got mad when I heard one of the fuckboys saying he'd fuck her. I found it disrespectful. She waved at me while all the preps tried to get her to sit at their table. I waved back and smiled. She smiled back and then went back to talking to her preppy friends. I sat my bag down and when I looked up Christen was there. She looked at me with her intriguing blue eyes and said "Hey, can I sit with y'all?" I looked around at the table, everyone was already in line getting their lunch but there was an open seat so I told her it was cool. I waited for her as she sat her bag down and then we both headed to get food. I told her about the lunch system and how the sandwich and salad line is called the cold line and the every day lunch is different lunch is the hot line. She laughed question the cold line theory. I remember she got a salad and I got a subway with chips. When we went back to sit down everyone was already there. I introduced them to Christen and I introduced my friends to her. They all smiled their best fake smiles and said hi. To be honest i don't consider them friends at all. Because their all backstabbing and fake. I guess you can call me fake too since I'm fake with them. Christen smiled her bright cheek soft smile. None of the other soccer girls had B lunch so I sat with these fakes. Lunch was awkward so I was glad when it came to an end. No one really talked and if they did it was in whispers. I walked Christen back to class apologizing to her about the whispering just in case they were whispering about her. I let Christen know about all the drama and gossip that comes with being acquainted to them. They were the exact definition of what Mrs. Simpson would tell us not to become. Party hard, alcoholic, drug addicted, hoeish, and barely passing grades. I don't know why I sat with them, maybe it was because they are funny and cool people if you get on their good side either way I was considered a part of their squad. "P.P.P.S" or in other words "Puff Puff Pass Squad". They had asked me to smoke with them or go to party's but I couldn't. I didn't want to ruin my soccer career. But temptation is always pushing people to their limits. They called me the good girl, I was okay with it. Since it was true. I had never done drugs and I didn't plan on it.

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