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After the movie once again it got awkward and just boring. It's was past 3 am and neither of us had yet to past out. Shirley seemed close to passing out on the couch. She looked so calm and peaceful as sleep slowly tried to take her. It was interestingly beautiful. When she noticed me staring I took her arms and pulled her up straight. Now we where both in the middle of the living room standing up. Facing each other with blank stares and asking what's next. "I got an idea" I told her happily. "Let's play Titanic.? And not the Titanic pick up line I've used.. About going down under. But instead let's reenact that famous movie scene?" She laughed about the Titanic pickup line before agreeing to go play with me. First we picked roles. I picked Jack because not only does he have great hair but come on it leorando Decaprio. Rose was beautiful and elegant so I'm sure Shirley was going to pick Rose anyways. Next up we needed some wind effects. I ran upstairs and got an old antique looking fan. Plugged it in as Shirley or Rose whichever tested it out. You should've been there. To see what I saw. The way she looked at with the wind was beautiful and just everything was perfect at 3 am that night. I don't think I was high anymore. Because I remember everything. The only thing we did was pose. I got my phone and set it up to take a good picture of us. After that we laughed our asses off. Before going back to sitting on the couch and watching a classic, 'Clueless'. Somewhere in between watching and talking I eventually knocked out.

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