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The next day I woke up in Allie's living room. How we got here from the kitchen stools, I don't know. I woke up with a strong headache and I knew right away hangover. I didn't remember anything from last night so obviously I blacked out. I still laid down until finally I remembered something. Me and Laure competing taking shots.. And then I remembered. We kissed. We kissed. I sat up and looked at Laure who was still asleep. We laid side by side. Allie laid asleep on the other side of the living room with her boyfriend a few feet away and some other people near.  I stared at Laure, how did it even happen, what. I was confused. Laure is straight why would she kiss me. What will our relationship be like now. I got up went to the bathroom and got hydrated myself. Laure woke up and we met in the kitchen. "Hey" I said. "Hey, do you have a headache too? And the need for water." She said not smiling nor laughing like always. "Yes, I believe it's called a hangover. Here I got you some water and some Advil pills. They help. I think." I told her handing her the pills and a glass of water. I sat next to her as she thanked me for the water and pills. "No need too. What are friends for." I responded. Neither of us dared to talk about what happened last night. Yet for some reason on my heart it didn't feel like the kiss was a mistake, when she looked at me and smiled. She smiled even while being in one of the worst hangovers ever. Allie woke up and immediately told us to shut up because her head was killing her. "Here asshole" I said and handed her a water bottle and Advil. "Thanks dick." She responded. And Laure laughed at the fact Allie called me a dick. "Well weren't y'all two just the life of the party last night. Ha, cute." Allie said with a smirk. Me and Laure instantly looked at each other and questioned what she was saying. "What do you mean? What happened last night?" Laure asked. "Well after y'all stopped ordering 10 shots to compete. Y'all stayed in the kitchen for about 20 more minutes and came out. Holding each other trying not to fall. Y'all were all giggling. What else. Oh yeah robin your song came on, which by the way I did not know you liked that kind of music." "Hold up what song?" I interrupted Allie. "Black Beatles. Anyways back to my story. You started to dance and even grabbed a whole bottle of tequila. Laure joined you in dancing. Y'all shared the bottle and after like an hour of dancing y'all fell asleep in the middle of the dance floor. That was hilarious. Oh and then some guy tried to come up to dance with Laure and Tobin you got all defensive and Laure was laughing and so was I but then umm I have a question." Allie said. "Yeah what is it?" I asked. "Are y'all a thing? Did I miss that?" She asked. I could feel my face turning red and I looked at Laure the same for her. Both of us red faced. Neither of us had a an answer. And Allie noticed so she backed off and went to wake everyone else up. She never finished telling us what happened. But me and Laure didn't bother to ask, we were scared and confused. I asked Laure if she wanted me to drive her home and she said yeah. So after silence between us and helping Allie clean up. We said goodbye to Allie and got in the car. We were alone in the car no music played. So I turned the radio on, and when I did a bunch of romantic songs started to play, and when I changed it Black Beatles played. So I decided to ask, even though I didn't want too. "Umm maybe now we should talk about last night." I said. "Okay. I like you Tobin. And more than just a friend." She said. I was shocked and I didn't know what to say. I just told her the truth. "Really? Laure I thought you were straight?" I asked trying to clarify everything. "Well yeah I thought so too but now I've started falling for you." She said shyly. "You know. I like you too. And more than just a friend." I told her as we pulled up to a red light. I turned to look at her and on that beautiful sunny day she turned and looked at me and smiled her beautiful smile. And right then and there I knew she'd be something good in my life.
For the rest of the ride she held my hand and leaned close to me. Silent but peaceful. No awkward moments. Everything felt right.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2016 ⏰

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