Chapter 2: Meeting The Avengers

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CHAPTER 2: Meeting The Avengers

July 21, 2019

I woke up when the jet landed. I rubbed my eyes and stretched. I never remembered going to sleep...

Fury was stepping out of the jet. I quickly got up and floated over to him. "When did we get on a jet?" He looked at me. "Around thirty minutes after you fell asleep. I had an agent carry you." My eyes widened as I remembered what happened when I slept for too long.

"How long!" Fury suddenly stopped and turned around. He looked at me like I was crazy. "Relax, Blue, I made sure to wake you up every couple of minutes," he said as I narrowed my eyes. "How did you kn-"

"We know a lot of things," he said as he continued walking. I sighed. "So this is the SHIELD base?" He nodded and opened a door for me. I stepped inside and squinted as my eyes tried to adjust to the light. A man walked up to us, wearing a suit. "Blue, I'd like you to meet Agent Phil Coulson." I shook his hand, and he walked over to Fury and whispered something in his ear.

Fury looked at me. "Agent Alisya, I hope you're ready to meet your team." I snorted and raised an eyebrow. "Team?" He nodded and walked down one of the hallways. I followed behind, struggling to keep up. "There's a reason SHIELD came to you when we did. Loki is back." My eyes widened. "You mean like the tried to take over the world Loki? That Loki?!?" He nodded again.

"Apparently Loki escaped and is back on Earth. The Avengers barely made it out alive last time; they need some backup now that he's stronger." He scanned his ID and a door slid open. I followed him through the door into a white room about as big as my apartment. There was a twin-size bed with white sheets and a white blanket folded and set on top of a white pillow. "Wow."

"Here's an ID that will let you through any door you need to go through, and a uniform, if you need it." I took the ID and left the uniform in his hands. "Sorry, Nick, but I don't plan on matching you. I have my own clothes. By the way, I never packed." He turned and put the uniform in some random agent's hands. "SHIELD agents are in your apartment as we speak, packing up everything you own. It should all be here later." I raised an eyebrow.

"I'll be back in thirty minutes to take you to meet your team. I expect you to be ready to go," he said as he walked out and my door slid closed.

I stood in the middle of my new room, wide-eyed. So I was going to be working with The Avengers. That's a big deal. I went over to a mirror hanging on the wall. My hair was a mess. I pulled all my hair back up into a ponytail, wishing I had my brush with me. I hope they don't forget my TV...

My 3D glasses were on my forehead. I pulled them down over my eyes and sighed. I'd tried so hard to stay hidden, make sure everyone I used to know thought I was dead, and then S.H.I.E.L.D. shows up. I raised up my hands and did a few slow, following motions with them. Now my bed was made.

I wondered if this meant I had to get rid of my hamster. I hoped not. I loved that hamster...

Suddenly, the door slid open. Surely it hadn't been thirty minutes already! Fury stood in the doorway. "I thought I got thirty minutes!" He shrugged. "You got fifteen." I sighed and put the lanyard with my ID around my neck. "When did you get my picture for this anyways?" He ignored my question and continued down the impossibly long hallway.

We came to a stop at a door. You could hear voices coming from the inside, but there was no way to know what they're saying. Suddenly everyone was quiet as Fury swiped his ID and entered in a code. I quickly memorized the code.

The door slid open, revealing six individuals inside. It seemed like everyone's eyes were on me, and it made me visibly uncomfortable. I slouched and tried to hide behind Fury. He stepped behind me and pushed me into the room. The door slid closed behind him.

I awkwardly stepped a little farther into the room. Tony Stark, the billionaire, shifted his weight to his left leg and smirked at me. "Do you need to be introduced?" I shook my head no. How could anyone not know who The Avengers were? They saved the world!

"Well we still need to know your name," he said, stuffing his hands into his jacket pockets. "Oh, uh, m-my name is H-Heather, but I go by Blue." I felt like an idiot. Clint leaned back in the recliner he was sitting in. "Got any powers?" I moved a little closer to the group, still nervous. "Yeah." They all looked a little bit more interested now.

I didn't want to have to explain my powers. Instead, I opted to show them what I could do. I lifted my hand and the glass of alcohol in Tony's hand came flying towards me, and not a drop was spilled. When it reached me, I slowed it down and gently grabbed it, taking a sip.

They all looked impressed, but I couldn't tell if they really were or not. I'm 99% sure Tony wasn't. I picked myself up with my powers and floated to the middle of the group, where I sat down on the floor. Conversation within the group started to pick up again, and I felt more relaxed.

Tony walked over and sat down on the floor next to me. I'm sure I looked stupid with my eyes wide open and my mouth slightly open. But Iron Man was sitting right next to me! "Hi." I paused for a moment, not sure what to say. "H-hi." He smiled at me. "You must not talk to people much." I shook my head no, confirming his assumption.

This was getting to be too much for me. My head hurt so bad. "I...I gotta go." He raised his eyebrows as he watched me get up and rush out the door. I didn't exactly know the way back to my room, so I floated aimlessly around the hallways of the giant helicarrier. I bumped into a teenage boy who was also floating, but with a darker blue glow instead of my sky blue one.

"I'm so sorry!" He was short, even though he was still taller than me by an inch or two. He smiled at me and landed at the same time I did. "It's okay," he said as he ran his fingers through his dark brown hair. "I'm Sam."

I grinned. "I'm Blue." He shifted his weight to the other leg. "So...I noticed you were flying too..." I blushed. "Yeah, I have telekinesis. I can, you know, fly by picking myself up with my powers..." He smiled and nodded, looking a lot more interested than The Avengers were. "Are you new? I've never seen you around here..." I nodded. "Yeah, I can't find my room anywhere."

He straightened up when he heard me say that. "I could help you find it, if you want," he said. I smiled. "That'd be great." He looked at my ID and somehow got my room number from it. He laughed. "Looks like you're across the hallway from me." I raised my eyebrows. "Well then let's get going!"

"Try to keep up," he shouted as he suddenly shot off like a rocket. I laughed and flew after him.


Yeah, so if you haven't figured it out yet, that was Sam Alexander, better known as Nova. Nova is awesome and I totally think he deserves to be in this book! So yeah :3


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