Chapter 10: Bad News

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Chapter 10: Bad News

Tony Stark

July 27, 2019

I knew something was up when Fury called all 'remaining Avengers' to one of the many meeting rooms, right after an attack. I reported to the meeting room along with Clint, Bruce, Thor, and Natasha. Where's the Capsicle?

"Today we lost two members of the Avengers along with three agents with vital information," Fury started, and I was confused for a moment. I realized we must've lost that Blue girl, and even though she wasn't doing much on our side, a girl that powerful on Loki's side could be disastrous.

Nobody spoke, and Bruce looked guilty, even though it wasn't his fault at all. I felt bad for Bruce. Coulson looked really horrible. After all, his idol had just been recruited into a psycho god's evil army.

We needed a plan. We needed to find out where Loki was and take him out, because the odds were stacked against us, even more than they were last time. We had no clue what his plan was, although I assumed it probably ended in world domination.

I got up and left the room to go locate Loki. He was driving a SHIELD plane, right? That would make it ten times easier. I walked into the lab that Bruce and I had been given and entered the SHIELD database. The plane stolen had a serial number, and that could be used to track it via satellite.

I found the plane they stole and entered the serial code into my phone. "JARVIS, could you track this plane down to its exact coordinates?" I asked politely. "Yes, sir. It's coordinates are 51º32N, 2º5W."

"Yeah, thanks," I said as I wrote that down on a sticky note. "I live to serve, sir," came JARVIS' smart-alecy reply. I sighed and entered the coordinates into Google Maps. Who needed SHIELD tech when you had a servant robot and Google?

London, England. Or just outside of London. I wrote that down on the same sticky note, then left the room to find Fury. He was still in the meeting room, by himself. He was looking out the giant glass window. "They're just outside of London. And they're using the SHIELD plane as their base. That help any?"

Instead of responding to me, he pressed a button on his earpiece. "Change course to London, " he said quickly, and then turned to face me. He nodded at me and I left the room.

I went back to the lab I was in moments before. Inside, I found Bruce waiting for me. "So, are you wondering how Rock of Ages got his magic-stick thing or is that just me?" He responded without looking at me.

"I'm sure his magic got more powerful or something, maybe a new spell, or maybe he had it with him all along." Bruce opened a new file and dragged some documents into it. "Either way, that's not what's important right now. He took Steve, a living legend, and Blue, who I was just starting to warm up to," He admitted as he minimized a window.

"Right. I've got their location, just outside of London. I've got no clue what I'm supposed to be doing now," I said as I walked across the room, pulling a bag of animal crackers out of one of my hiding places. I love how the agents get so worked up when they can't find my hidden food in the lab.

"You could train. You could develop a plan of attack. You could try to find a way to reverse Loki's mind control, or you could," I cut him off there. "I'm gonna go take a nap," I said as I slipped the animal crackers back into their spot. He sighed, obviously frustrated, and continued working as I left the room.

I walked down the hallway into the room SHIELD was temporarily lending me, and jumped on the bed. I sighed and tried to get some sleep.

{The Dream}

I stood in the middle of a really big room with mirrors for walls. I looked around, seeing myself in each one. The room seemed to be shaped like an octagon. Suddenly, all of my reflections came out of the mirror and started slowly walking towards me. As they walked, they were changing into something else. I looked around.

One changed into Loki, smirking and still walking towards me. One was Steve, his eyes burning an unnatural shade of blue, and his expression painfully indifferent. And two of them were Blue; I should say Blue and Red because Loki had them both. Their eyes were the same horrifying shade of blue as Steve's, but their expressions weren't plain. They both wore wicked grins on their faces.

All of them moved towards me, slowly picking up speed, until they were upon me, and I could hear the Hulk's roar in the distance.


asdgfhdosmfgaks wow.

This is really fun X3

So... Tony wasn't as sarcastic as I wanted him to be, but I'm too lazy to go back and rewrite it. Besides, this was kind of a serious part anyways.



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