Chapter 19: Blue to the Rescue

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Chapter 19: Blue to the Rescue!

3rd Person POV

It only took the god 2 minutes to return with Coulson, but by the tome they got back top the room (Coulson was on the other side of the carrier), Blue was standing up, and seeming to be perfectly fine. "What's the problem?" Blue turned towards Coulson and shrugged. "I remember walking down the hallway, then there's a period of time where I dont remember anything, and then, all of a sudden, I was on the floor. My head was killing me, and I couldn't move. Then I passed out?" She shrugged nonchalantly.

"This could be a problem," Phil said as she got up and started walking out the for. "It's not," she responded, almost sounding happy. "What makes you so sure?" She smirked a little. "I don't know. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go get something done instead of hiding in the helicarrier like the rest of you." They were in the main room of the helicarrier now, and the Avengers and a few agents were watching her a she walked through. She paused in the middle of the room and looked around. "If any of you would like to join me, feel welcome."

"If you insist," a younger voice answered. Out of the crowd stepped Spiderman, and Blue scoffed. "You are that girl Nova was talking about, right?" Blue smiled I a little, the harshness melting a bit. "He talked about me?" Spidey nodded. "Hmm," she said, regaining her composure. "Come if you want," she said as she turned to leave. Just then, Fury grabbed her shoulder and turned her back around to face him. "Where are you going?" A sly smile crept onto her face. "To go save Captain America," she said, shaking free of his grip and running to the take-off area. She thought she was alone at first, but then heard a sound behind her. It was a sort of 'FWIP.' She jumped into the air and continued her journey by using her powers to fly. She rolled over onto her back and saw Spiderman, swinging sound just behind her. "So you decided to come? Good. I think I'll need all the help I can get."

"I'm only tagging along because Fury asked me to keep an eye on you," he said defensively, but he was kind of interested in her. "Sure, sure. Say, do you know how to fly a jet?" He nodes. "It was part of my training." She rolled her eyes and decided she didn't want to listen to him go on and on about his training and experience. "Sorry, Little Spider, but I think I'll take back my offer. You're staying," Blue said right as she opened a hatch normally used for take offs and landings. "Hey! I'm coming wether you like it our not," Spiderman shouted a she waved and let herself fall off the carrier. Just before she was too far, he managed to get a web on her back and follow her.

Soon, he was level with her. Blue's eyes seemed redder for a moment a she hissed the words, "Take a hint, Webhead." Then she took control of their rapid descent by using her telekinesis. Soon, they landed just outside of what was now Loki's base. The place was swarming with Frost Giants, but there didn't seem to be any chotauri around. "Lets go," Blue whispered, and they made their way to the doors.

"Why don't the giants attack?" Spiderman asked. "He wants us here," she responded cooly. He scoffed, not content with her answer, but continued behind her. They went inside and started up the hallway. This wasn't the same little base Loki had had last time she was here; apparently they'd moved to a ginormous suburban home with a large fence around it. Inside, there had to be twenty rooms, and Blue was sure Loki had everyone sharing rooms with at least two other people. So that meant a few less then sixty would fit, because Loki wouldn't share a room. That was a lot of people, and that wasn't good if things came to a fight, which they probably would. Blue signaled for Spidey to go first, as bait. She knew he probably wouldn't be attacked, but she didn't want to find out the hard way.

Spiderman cautiously stuck his head around the corner. He peeped for a few seconds to make sure the coast was clear. Meanwhile, Blue was feeling rather... Mischievous. A sudden burst of 'Green' inspired her to try something she hadn't ever tried before.

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