Chapter 12: Waking Up

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Chapter 12: Waking Up

3rd Person POV

July 28, 2019

Blue woke up screaming. The nightmares- they were back. She tried to free herself from the ties around her wrists and ankles, but failed. She was entering a panicked state. "Gah!" She shouted, a burst of psionic energy flying from her body. All the people and things in the room flew back.

"How do we stop her?" Bruce looked over at Fury as he shouted. Another burst. "She needs to calm down!" Tony ansered for Bruce. Everyone was constantly being thrown against the wall; they needed to get out of her range.

Suddenly the bursts stopped. Bruce looked up at her. Tears flowed down her face. "She's not handling it very well," Natasha said in between breaths. She groaned and squirmed again, still trying to get out of her ties. Her breathing was uneven, that of a broken girl.

Tony got up and straightened his tie. "I think she's doing pretty good," he said coolly. She sobbed and closed her eyes. "Did I... hurt anybody?" Her voice cracked in the middle of her question. "Blue, you don't need to-" Natasha started, but she was interrupted. "You killed 8 people, threw me against a wall several times, and yeah, just now you pretty much gave us all a beating," Tony said, earning a look of disapproval from everyone in the room.

Blue's POV

I looked up when I heard Tony's answer. 8 people... dead. Everyone was looking at Tony now, and I struggled against the metal table I was tied to. At least I'm upright, I thought. The guilt swallowed me whole.

More tears poured down my face. I hated crying; it made me feel weak. I despised showing Earth's Mightiest Heroes this side of me. They think they're above me, I thought. They think just because I cry, I'm weak. Sentiment blurs the truth. I cried out again, horrified at my own thoughts.

"He's still here!" I shouted, scared out of my mind. "He's still in my mind, I feel him, he puts in thoughts!" Everyone turned their attention back towards me, obviously concerned. "Blue, you're entering a state of shock, you need to calm down," Bruce said slowly, and I felt my eyes glow red again. I hated this.

"I need to calm down? YOU ARE IN NO STATE TO GIVE ME ORDERS! I'M OBVIOUSLY THE ONLY ONE WHO KNOWS WHAT'S IMPORTANT ON THIS FREAKING BOAT," I spat, having no control over what came out.

I took in a deep breath, and tried to calm down. Look at yourself, Blue. This is ridiculous. I straightened up and closed my eyes. When I opened them, Fury was looking right back at me. "I think it's over," I told him awkwardly, and I barely noticed the split in my lip from when I'd been punched. It stung when I talked.

Everyone was staring at me. I felt like I did when I first joined the team. Nobody ever truly accepted me in the team. I was just another agent. "You can, uh, let me out now," I added. Fury gave me the same look he did when I asked to be let out of that glass cell. "You're looking more dangerous by the minute, Agent Alisya. I don't know if I will let you out."

"Have you forgotten who dragged me into all this anyways? I just wanted to chill in the shadows! But you pulled me back into whatever this is," I sighed. "I don't have control anymore," I admitted. "Loki is still in my mind, I don't know how, but he's playing with it." Another tear. "And it burns so bad."

Clint looked at me, and I felt he knew. I hung my head down as everyone left. I'm a criminal now. If only I could've stayed with Loki, at least he didn't lock me up alone. I pushed the thoughts away, disgusted. I don't even have my mind to myself anymore.

The only person who stayed in the room was Clint. He sat down next to me and I looked at him. "I know how it feels," he said tiredly. I remained quiet. Who knows what I might say? We were both quiet. Then he got up and did something I never expected. He set me free. "And they didn't trust me after I was back, either."

He started walking towards the door as I collapsed on the floor. "Then again, I didn't have your little... aftershocks." He left, and the door clicked closed behind him. I lied on the floor and closed my eyes. Psionic bursts take a lot of energy, and I just performed like 12 of them. In a row. I slowly drifted off to sleep.

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