Chapter 18: Green

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((BTW I'm using my Avengers Keyboard but it kinda sucks and I am not editing so please excusemy typos >.<))

Chapter 18: Green


I was feeling uncharacteristically happy and secure, so I waltzed back inside the helicarrier and headed into the room the Avengers were meeting in. Tony and Natasha both looked rather pissed, but everyone else seemed okay with my being there. Bruce even smiled and gave me a small wave! A sly grin found its way onto my face as I took a seat.

We all sat in a comfortable silence for a momeny, but then Fury gave me a quick nod and then started. Or, tried to start that is. As soon as the Director opened his mouth, Natasha cut him off. "Do you know where Captain America is, Blue?" My head turned toward her. "No." She immediately looked at Fury. "She's lying." I held my hands up and felt my eyes widen. Just then, Clint came into the conversation, siding with Nat. "Your eyes do have more of a greenish hue to them now," he said slowly, and I stiffened. "Do they really?" Everyone's heads cautiously nodded, and I chose to remain silent. I didn't feel like anyone was controlling me, but there very well could be.

"She doesn't know," Fury said rather loudly, silencing all the whispers. "Loki has taken over half the world already. Containment of the opposing force is no longer an option." I wanted to say something, but I bit my tongue. I knew for a fact whatever I was about to blurt out wasn't going to be the nicest thing.

"So what are we to do," asked Thor. "I think the best strategy would be to cut it off at the spurce and then work from there. We'll never get anywhere just by killing a few at a time while there are thousands more coming in at any given second," Tony said coolly. I honestly didn't know how to go about this, so I sat and listened.Still, the urge tp throw in a witty comment was almost unbearable. What was wrong with me?!?

"We could start a rebellion?" Bruce suggested halfheartedly. "That's more of a thing to do when you've already lost." For a second or two, the room was quiet. Then, "We have already lost." At first, I didn't realize I'd said it. I continued staring blankly at the table for a while. I could feel everyone's eyes on me. "She's right." I looked over at Natasha. I wasn't expecting her of all people to agree. She'd seemed so angry with me.

"Tony's idea seems like the best course of acttion. Dismissed." Everyone stood up and left, leaving me alone in the room with Fury. I stood up to leave, trying not to get caught in a lecture or something. Surpringly, I got out of the room without getting myself into any more trouble.

I walked down the hallways, wincing at all the looks I was getting from the agents. SHIELD agents don't show any emotion, but you could tell they were dirty looks anyways. It was almost like a sixth sense: The ability to tell if someone hates you or not.

I paused at the door to what was my room for a day or two. It was almost impossible to tell it was different from the rest, save for the room number posted on the door. Before I knew it, I was walking down the hall again.

[3rd person POV]

Blue stumbled down the hallway, her eyes unfocused and still slightly tinted green. Then, Thor came walking up the hall. He nodded to her, but she didn't even look at him. In fact, she bumped into him. "Miss Elysia? Is everything all right," he asked, concerned. She squeezed her eyes shut and her eyes darted towards the god. "Wha-? Yeah. Yeah I...I'm fine." But Thor didn't give up so easily. "Is something wrong," he asked again, almost sounding suspicious. Suddenly a hateful look found its way onto her face. "I said I was fine," she spat before turning to leave. "Very well," he said before walking away. A moment later, he heard a thud and turned around only to see Blue kneeling on the ground, clutching her head. "I knew something was wrong! What is it, Lady Elysia?" Soon, Thor was by her side, with his hand on her back. "Nothing. It's just a," she took a deep breath,"headache," she gasped. She lied down on the floor and started breathing really hard. Then, she blackked out.

Five minutes later, Thor opened the door to the nearest bedroom, holding Blue in his arms. He set her down on the bed and went to go get help.

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