Chapter 6: A Typical Lunch

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Chapter 6: A Typical Lunch


July 23, 2019

After a quick shower, I got dressed and brushed my hair. I didn't feel like drying it, so I left it down instead of a ponytail so it would dry faster.

When I opened the door, a small cloud of fog followed me out of the restroom only to dissolve within a few seconds. I noticed the whole French-toast mess had been cleaned up, and a note now sat on the bed. I picked it up.

Hey Fun One,

Lunch is ready. Come to the main room.


I sighed and stuffed the note into the pocket of my jacket. I grabbed my phone and walked out the door. Immediately, I was greeted by a maze of hallways and doors. I decided to look for an elevator.

{30 minutes later}

I picked myself up and started floating, because my feet were killing me. I groaned and turned around again. Suddenly my phone vibrated, so I fished it out of my pocket and answered it. "Hello?" I almost hung up when I heard who it was.

"Hey, Fun One. Having fun?" I sighed and answered, "No. Who designed your building anyways?" You could almost hear his smirk. "Me." Of course. I groaned and sat down on the floor when I came up to yet another dead end. "Tony, I'm helplessly lost. Please help." I hated asking for help; it made me feel weak and useless. "Try pulling out the note again." I snorted.

"Okay, if that's all, I've got to go reheat your lunch. Again. Bye." He hung up, and I sighed and pulled out the note. I read through it again, and saw nothing useful. I flipped it over, and saw a small map printed on the back. Of course. I almost hurt myself because of my foolish mistake.

Following the map, I quickly found the elevators and went downstairs for lunch.

Tony was sitting at a relatively small table with the rest of the Avengers. I rolled my eyes and sat in the only empty seat, in between Tony and the one from the forties. "You're Mister America, right?" A few people came and brought some food. "Actually, it's Captain America. But yeah, that's me," he said calmly. I looked at the food that was now sitting in front of me.

"What is it?" Tony looked at me like I was crazy. "It's shawarma! Official meal of the Avengers," he said taking a bite. I pushed the plate away. The man sitting on the other side of Tony was studying me. I looked at him, and he stopped and decided to introduce himself. "I'm Bruce. Bruce Banner. But you probably know me as-"

"The Hulk," I finished for him, finally recognising the man. Suddenly it all made sense. He nodded grimly, and looked down at his plate. I smiled slightly at his discomfort. It made me feel good. But it also came with the smallest bit of guilt.

Everyone was looking at me when they thought I wouldn't notice. It made me sick. Tony was the only one who seemed comfortable at the table, which suited him. Suddenly, my stomach growled.

Why must you betray me, Stomach! I trusted you! I pretend-shouted at my stomach. I almost giggled at how silly this was. Aren't I the bad guy? Why are The Avengers having lunch with me? Was it something Blue did?

The one I recognised as Thor suddenly spoke, even if it was very quietly. I couldn't make out what he was saying. He continued with his meal as if nothing had happened, while some man sitting next to him giggled. Hawkeye, the name shot into my head.

The red-haired woman sitting next to Bruce looked over at Hawkeye disapprovingly. Apparently she had also heard Thor's comment. The tension in the room was almost unbearable.  I sighed and got up, floating towards the door. "You really are just like Blue," Tony's voice came across the room. I stopped when I heard him. I turned around slowly. "You've made a big mistake, Tony."

Suddenly, all the silverware in the room flew up into the air, pointed at each Avenger, ready to attack at my command. Everyone in the room was on their feet almost instantly. Thor's hammer crashed through the window into his hand, and Tony gave him a look. "You can afford it, Mister Stark," Thor whispered to him, and Tony turned his attention to me again.

"JARVIS, could you bring me the Mark 7 please? I think that's the ideal suit for this occasion," Tony said calmly. "Right away, sir," came a male voice throughout the room. The Iron Man suit crashed through the wall, and Thor looked at Tony. "I can afford it, Thor," Tony whispered as the suit walked over and wrapped itself around Tony's body. I felt a ping of nervousness when the suit's eyes lit up.

"Put the eating utensils down," Tony said from inside the suit. I looked around the room in fear; they had me cornered and I knew it. But would I attack the Avengers? That'd be crazy on my part! Earth's mightiest heroes could probably take me down in under a minute.

The tension rose. You could tell Hawkeye and Thor were both losing their patience. I dropped all the silverware and sped out the door and into the hallway, Iron Man close behind. I assumed Thor had gone outside to guard the door. As for the others, I had no clue.

I looked back and saw Tony was about to catch me. I tried to go a little faster, even though I was already going as fast as I could. I flew out the front doors and held them shut with my powers. Thor was waiting outside, as I predicted.

I quickly put a plan together in my head. There was no way I could beat Thor in battle. I had to escape, which meant either outrunning him or tricking him. I deciding tricking him was my best chance, so I flew over to the opposite side of a truck and pretended to get inside. Instead, I crouched inside a bush.

I then used my powers to start the truck and drive it away, while I sat in the bush giggling like a five year old. Thor, not seeing (or hearing) me, flew after the truck.

I think I won, I thought happily. I'm good... I pushed my 3d glasses onto my forehead and took my outer layer of clothing off, revealing that costume. I had put it on after my shower. I thought the fight was over, that I had escaped, when I felt a sharp pain in my arm. I turned and saw a tranquilizer dart. WTF.

The last thing I saw was Hawkeye, in the window of Stark Tower, holding a tranquilizer gun and smiling. Of course. I blacked out.



That means when she wakes up, it'll still be Red. Yay!

Also I feel like this was getting boring so I put in a fight scene. So yay!  :3



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