Chapter 26

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Y/N= your name Y/LN= your last name F/N= friend's name
"Happy two months of the time we first met anniversary!" Phil exclaims giving you a hug before he walks into your flat.
"You too," you giggle, "Did you get me a gift?"
"Nope," he answers before kissing the top of your nose.
"Good, because I didn't get you anything either," you admit sitting down at your breakfast bar. You start to eat your waffles.
"You have the day off right?" he asks taking some of your waffles.
You nod.
"We can watch a movie. Dan is filming a collab with Louise. I don't really have anything to do," Phil suggests.
"You don't have anything to do so you are going to do me?" you joke smirking.

"No! That's not what I meant! Um I me-meant-" Phil stammers blushing

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"No! That's not what I meant! Um I me-meant-" Phil stammers blushing.
"Phil, I was just joking!" you explain as you take his hand, "Sorry I made you uncomfortable," you laugh.
"You are very good at making me feel uncomfortable, miss Y/LN," he smiles.
"I don't think that's a good thing," you smirk, "But thanks I guess,"
"So do you want to watch a movie?" he responds smiling.
"Sure," you smile.
"Congrats on one hundred subscribers!" Phil tells you. You frown.
"Aren't you happy? Soon you'll have thousands of subscribers," Phil asks.
"I only uploaded two videos. I don't have one hundred subscribers because of my content. It's because I'm friends with you and Dan!" you protest crossing your arms.
"Y/N, you know-" Phil starts.
"I know that you promoted my channel. They listen to you and that's why they subscribed!" you argue, "I want to do things by myself. I don't want to be known as Dan and Phil's friend or Phil's girlfriend,"
"What's wrong with me promoting your channel?" Phil scoffs, "Can't you just accept my help?"
"You always help me! Maybe I don't need help. Maybe I just need someone to listen. You listen and try to help! Joshua always listened to me. He didn't respond but he listened!" you snap.
"So now you're comparing me to your ex boyfriend?" Phil asks frowning.
"He actually knew me! You barely know me. You don't know where I went to school or what kind of person I am!" you almost yell.
"You don't know me either!" Phil exclaims.
"You threatened my mum when we were in New York!" you protest.
"I was trying to help you!" he groans.
You sit in silence for a moment trying to gather your thoughts. You realize something.
"We're at each other's throats," you mutter.
"Most couples fight," Phil explains.
"We rushed into this," you argue.
"Y/N," Phil says in a warning tone. He knows that you are going to say.
"We need a break," you sigh.
"What do you mean?" Phil asks.
"I met you and a month later we were dating. We barely knew each other. I broke up with my boyfriend and I was confused. My thoughts were everywhere. I didn't know when happiness would come. I guess I thought that you could give me something I haven't had since F/N was alive," you explain.
"What did F/N give you?" he whispers.
"Hope. Hope that everything could be okay in the end. Joy. Joy knowing someone cares about me," you answer quietly your voice breaking near the end.
"I care about you!" Phil protests putting his hand on your shoulder.
"I need time to think," you mutter.
"Okay," he nods looking hurt.

Cold tears rolls down your cheeks

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Cold tears rolls down your cheeks. You place your head in your hand.
"Are you okay? I just saw Phil leave. He looked mad," Leo asks coming up to you.
"I broke up with him. I just want to be alone," you mutter.
"So you're single now?" Leo questions you.
"Get out!" you scream at him.
He hurries out of your flat and he slams the door behind him.
"What have I done?" you think out loud. You sit on the floor and sob.
You pick up your phone and text Grace asking her to come over.
While you wait, you grab a small knife and cut your wrist. You made a mistake. You let Phil go. You needed him.
"What's wrong, Y/N?" Grace asks as she walks into your flat. She gasps as she drops all of her things when she sees you.
"I made a huge mistake. I broke up with Phil," you sob.
Grace gives you a hug and wraps a blanket around you.
"Your mum and Christopher are coming," she says.
You are about to protest, but you fall asleep.
(A/N: GUYS TATINOF WAS AMAZING!! I'll post about in on my Instagram odairsmaifandoms ((spon)) without spoilers and if you want to know spoilers then you can message me up)

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