Chapter 40

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"Y/N," Dan whispers tapping your shoulder.
"Y/N," Phil whispers poking your cheek.
"Yes?" you mutter.
You were trying to write the invitations for Grace and Christopher's wedding. You had everything organized on the breakfast bar. Dan and Phil came over to "help" you. That basically meant that they were going to distract you.
They keep whispering your name and poking you. You sigh as you wiggle your wrist. You have been working on the invitations for the past hour.
"Do you have any coffee?" Phil asks.
"No. You should've told me to get some when I was at work," you tell him as you continue to write the invitations.
"Ok," he frowns.
"Do you want to build a snowman?" Phil laughs.
"No," you reply rolling your eyes.
"Do you have crumpets?" Dan asks.
"No, I need to buy more," you answer.
"Do you have-" Dan starts.
"Don't you two have a video to film or something else to do?" you ask annoyed.
They both shake their heads. They continue to poke you.
"I don't know why people like you two so much," you sigh, "You two can be very annoying. You guys aren't very funny,"
They both start laughing.
"Apparently I'm a smol bean and my innocence must be protected at all costs," Phil laughs.

"And I'm a meme and a dark soul who is Phil trash #1," Dan chuckles

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"And I'm a meme and a dark soul who is Phil trash #1," Dan chuckles.
"How do you know this?" you giggle.
"Comment section," they reply in unison.
"They think you are nice, but you are a threat to Phan," Phil smiles at you.
"Phan?" you smirk.
"Phan. The ship name of Philip Michael Lester and Daniel James Howell," Dan explains.
"They know you aren't a couple or anything... right?" you ask.
"We let them believe what they want to. It's actually pretty funny," Phil laughs, "But don't read any of the fanfics!" Phil warns you.
"The fan art is worse," Dan shudders.
"There's fan art?" you can't help but laugh.
"We got a lot of fan art when we were on tour. Then there's a more on Tumblr," Dan replies, "I can show you-" he takes out his phone.
"I'm fine. I'm don't need to be scarred," you assure him.
"There was one where Phil was-" Dan starts to talk about a fan art.
"No!" you scream covering your ears. Dan and Phil laugh at you.
"It's okay, love. Dan's only joking," Phil smiles at you. He takes your hands off your ears and he wraps his arm around you.
"I wasn't joking. I was going to tell you about a fanart I saw. It was really distributing," Dan admits.

"We really don't need to know about it, Dan," Phil assures him

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"We really don't need to know about it, Dan," Phil assures him.
He shoves his phone into your face and you scream. You push his phone away from your face.
"Dan!" Phil scolds him.
"Sorry," Dan apologizes, "It wasn't that bad. We get some pretty weird things sent to us," Dan chuckles.
"Remember that time when-" Phil starts laughing about something that someone sent them.
You smile at them before you continue to write the invitations. You finish writing all the invitations by the time Grace comes to take you to your dress fitting for the wedding.
"Come on," you tell Dan and Phil. They both look confused.
"We can just stay here," Phil suggests.
"I don't really trust you two to stay in my flat without me being here. I know you guys too well. Something will probably break," you sigh.
Grace starts laughing.
"Okay," Dan shrugs. They both follow you and Grace to the bridal shop.
"Did you decide what color to make the bridesmaid dresses?" you ask Grace as you both get fitted for the dresses.
"Red. I already decided what the dresses will look like, too," she replies smiling.
"Red will go nicely with the trees and your dress," you smile at her.
"You know Louisa's dress from Me Before You?" she asks.
You squeal. You read the book and watched the movie the day it came out. You had immediately fallen in love with the dress that Louisa wore when she went to the concert with Will. 
Everything was great. You were living boldly. All was well...

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