Chapter 4

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"Hey Remus!!" i siad loudly when my Grandfather took me to the Train Station "Hey Chita" he said and turned around to face me then i ran into him and hugged him tightly he caught me jsut in time thankfully. "We havent seen each other in like a week!" he said and laughed "Yes exactly a week! You know that in us time thats like an eternity" i said then we started to walk to the Barrier. "You made that up" he countered "Nah nah the only times weve spent more than a week apart is that one time i got Chicken Pox oh yeah and the first 9 years of our lives!" i said dramatically. "You. Are. Such. A. Drama Queen!" he said "and you love me" i said "who told you that lie?" he asked and i stuck my tongue out at him. "James!!" i called then jumped into his arms the exact moment he turned around "Fangs" he said in a scold like voice "Hi Mr and Mrs. Potter!" i said and waved at his parents who his mother smacked her forehead and his father chuckled. I couldnt find Sirius so i didnt yell his name then embarass him instead i just went into the train to find a Compartment. There was one with Peter already in it and let me tell you, i dont like the guy but the otehrs do so thats the only reason why i sat down with him. Soon the rest of the gang came in so i relaxed and jsut sprawled myself out on the benchish thing and buried my head into my arms and tried to sleep. In case you havent noticed thats one thing i love to do Sleeping is jsut awesome for me! "So did you hear were going to have a ball?" James asked ruining my transe "yeah i did i heard that its going to be a Christmas Ball" Sirius said "sounds stupid" i mumbled. "Says the one who will only wear a Skirt to be able to conceal weapons" Sirius said "Hey its realy helpful!" i said outraged "whatever so who are you thinking of asking?" Sirius asked James "Lily of course" i said "no! I was actualy thknking of asking you Fangs" James said and i raised an eyebrow "yeah and im the virgen de guadalupe" i said. "Whats that?" he asked and i shook my head "idiots" i mumbled under my breathe "but it is Lily" James said and i laughed "you Padfoot?" James asked "meh ill see later on" he shrugged. I knew who i wished hed ask out though. "Moony?" "W-well no girl really catches my attention" he said and tried to cover his blushing face with his book "Moony you have a crush? On who?" i asked mockingly though i found that i couldnt really say it as heartily as i wanted to. "N-no Noone" he siad pulling his book up even higer up "Come on Moony tell us" Peter said "I dont like anyone!" he said. "Yes you do we know you do!" i said "come on atleast tell us about her" James said "fine" Remus said resigned and put his book away "shes really pretty and smart though she doesnt like to show it" he said. "How Cliche i doubt your telling us the truth" i pouted and crossed my arms over my chest "that hasnt worked since after we were 10, i learned my lesson when you got me in trouble for breaking into the old farm" Remus said. "Yeah nor after when we let you touch the knob on the whomping willow and we got all cut up because you didnt press hard enough" Sirius said "screw you two!" i said and marched out of the Compartment. I stayed in the hall for a few minutes then i heard Sirius' voice speak once more "so tell us about her seriously" he said "fine fine. She really is really pretty and really smart though she doesnt like to show it but shes not nice or anything most of the time and shes really awesome" he said. "Shes sporty and not at all girly and shes like i dont know how to describe her really" he said "Oh my god i think i know who it is!" Sirius said "no! DOnt say it out loud! Not here i dont want anyone to over hear incase you are right!" Lupin said quickly. "Fine then ill cast a Muffliato Charm" Sirius said and muttered something and ten i couldnt hear anything.


"Its Fangs isnt it?" Sirius asked and i blushed "i knew it!" he said and him and James high fived "since when?" i asked "since like forever dude its kinda obvious" he said "well i mean if your not her obviously, shes the only person who doesnt seem to know" Peter said. "seriosuly though i mean come on its Fangs! Fangs for christ's sake!" Sirius said "yeah i know" "you know the one who never ever acts like a girl? The one whos knocked you out on countless ocasions? The one whos left so many scars on Wormtail he could be called scarhead? the one-" i cut him off "Yes i know!". "I know shes all those things and i dont remember half the times shes knocked me out" i said "i just cant help it, she was my first friend and weve known each other since we were 9! She grows on you you know after a while" i said. "Yeah i know she grows on you shes my only Friend whos a Girl even though she doesnt act like a girl at all" Sirius said. "Okay seriosly stop trash talking her" i said "sorry man just telling the truth" he raised his hands.

Just then the girl in question ran in "See it still works on Lily!" she said "you did not seriously go to her compartment with Snivellus just to see if your Pout worked on her?" James asked "yeah i kinda did".

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