Chapter 11

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"I-i have to leave Remus" i said as i shuffled around the room packing my bags "no you dont Fangs" he said softly grabbing my arm "i have to theres nothing more for me here" i said. "My Grand Father's dead, James is dead Lily is Dead, Sirius is in jail! He was my Best Friend!" i cried "but im still here Fangs dont leave me alone here im just as lonely as you are now" he said and grabbed my hand pulling me closer. "No Remus" i said quickly pullin gmy hand back, truth was i didnt want to leave him the reason i wanted to leave wasnt even because everyone was dead it was because id fallen so far in love with him it was just unbearable. Id realized it after that night when hed been so kind to me i fell in love with him ever since that night then i started to date Sev in an order to forget about him and once hed called Lily a mudblood i merely slept with im to dull the pain of not having Remus, of him not wanting me. "Fangs please" he had tears in his eyes now "im sorry Moony" i said softly and let my hair fall over my eyes.

14 1/2 Years later

"Remus?" i said into the phone "yeah whos this?" a groggy Remus Lupin said. Damn the time diffference. "Remus its-its me Minnie" i said and heard a sharp intake of breathe "i-im coming home" i sniffled and then i was full out crying.

A few days later (her coming home outfit)

I took a deep breathe before entering the house that had just appeared. It was late well not exactly late it was around 8 but still, it was a summer evening so it was warm out and i didnt feel cold in my short dress. I opened teh door to an old house and smiled at the familiar place i had come here a few times as a child "Moony? Padfoot" i called and suddenly Remus appeared in the dooray to waht i guessed was the kitchen. "Remus" i said softly before running over to him and wrapping my arms around his neck while he wrapped his aroung my waist and we hugged tightly when we pulled back it was slightly awkwardly and we both had tears in our eyes. Then standing there was Sirius Black "Chita Mendez" he said softly then a single tear fell from his eye and i ran to him i hugged him tightly with him i wrapped my legs around his middle and my arms around his neck he had his arms wrapped around me tightly as well and i felt hot tears hit the back of my hair. "I missed you guys so much" i sniffled and wiped the tears from the edges of my eyes. "Sirius whos this?" a boy asked as he came into the Hallway i knew who he was immediatly "Harry?" i asked and he nodded "you look so much like your father you know" i said and he grinned to know he looked lik ehis father though hed heard it many times before "im CHita Mendez" i stuck out my hand and he shook it "im also your Godmother"i said "so you were friends with my Mum?' he asked "oh no!" i said loudly then i quickly covered up "just ignore taht part" Remus said "i should start over im Chita Mendez AKA Fangs" i said and his face was like 'woah'. "So can we go into the kitchen or something? Im bloody starving!" i said and stepped past them to were a large amount of people well the Weasleys and a bushy haired girl only really but still alot. "Hi" i said brightly "hey all this is Chita MEndez shes a new member of teh order she was one of the Marauders with us" Sirius said from behind me. "SO then your Fangs!?" the bushy haired girl said excitedly and i nodded "I knew there had to be a girl in it! Were you the brains of it?" she asked and i laughed "good god no that was Sirius and James Remus came up with the spells to use and i helped carry them out because im smaller than them so some things were easier for me" i said. I sat down at an empty seat next to the twins "Its very nice to meet you" a plump woman said and shook my hand then a tal guy with glasses shook my hand "Im ARthur Weasley" he said "and thats my wife Molly" he said and i smiled at them. The plump woman set a plate of food infront of me and i began to eat quickly. "Mmm this is soo good your an excellent cook Molly" i said and she smiled at me. Once my hunger was somewhat replenished and the rest were taling normally o turned to the twins "so your the ones trying to give us a run for our money?" i asked them and they smirked identically "i reckon so" they said at the same time "not possible" i shook my head. "And why not?" one asked "because well A.i was the best Beater Gryffindor has seen, yes i was a beater and i knocked Remus out a couple hundred times, and B. you dont have a girl in your mix you know its thanks to me that we were so great" i said. "I highly doubt you were taht good a beater" the other twin said "wanna try me?" i asked raising a fist "yeah punch me, as hard as you can" the twin said sticking out his face and i started to pull my arm back then someone grabbed my first. "No" Remus said "hes literally asking for it!" i whined "if you punch someone its going to be in a fair fight" Sirius said sternly "alright fair fight you?" i asked the twin. "I dont think itd be fair since im a guy" he said "dont worry bout it cupcake" i said and stood up he did too and we stood at the side, his mother looked stern but didnt stop them. "Fangs your wearing a skirt!" Remus said and i shrugged then took the skirt thing off leaving me in shorts and the top part of the dress. We both held out fists up Sirius and Remus shook their heads knowing what would happen, the other twin looked amsued and the others didnt know what to espect though thy did probably expect me to lose. He took a swing and i stuck out my hand and grabbed his wrist then i stuck my leg out and did a move taht made him fall on his stomach then i grabbed his arm and twisted it back sitting on his back once he tapped out i let him go. "Lucky shot" he said then i shrugged and punched him in the face he let out a yelp and fell back on his butt then i went back to my eating.

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