Chapter 26

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Everything seemed to be going in slow motion yet fast at the same time if that even makes any sense. One moment i was at home cooing Richard and he was smiling me Remus and Richard a small happy family laughing and smiling togehter. The next thing i know Tonks is in here with Sirius, Chiara and Topher telling us about some Ministry mumbo jumbo so i took Richard to the Twins' place then we apparated to the Ministry. "Wheres Chris?" i asked Sirius who smiled "shes pregnant she cant come" he said and i covered my mouth with my hand then hugged him congratalatoryly. We apparated into this room that had a big archway in the middle of the room near there stood Harry and Lucius Malfoy duelling "get away from my godson" SIrius said in a deadly whisper then started to duel Lucius with Harry helping. Me and Chiara duelled Belltrix and everyone else dueled other Death Eaters. Then the next thing i know Bellatrix did a weird spell and me and CHiara were thrown across the room with deep cuts covering our body's and suddenly Sirius lets out a weird type of laugh right before hes sucked into the veil. Now here is where it gets even slower than before. I heard a person screaming and it took me a few minutes to recall that the person screaming was infact me and across the room Remus was trying to hold Harry back from running after Bellatrix. The last thing i saw before blacking out from lack of blood was Harry elbowing Remus in the stoach and Topher running towards me and CHiara.


I woke up in my own bed in my own apartment that i shared with Remus, my baby sleeping peacefully next to me, Remus sleeping in a chair in the corner of the room, Chiara was in another bed next to mine and Topher, and Chris as well as the Twins were there with Charlie and Tonks. Chris i noticed was in total agony. "It really happened then? it wasnt just a dream?" i asked and Remus nodded solemnly his face covered in tear tracks, his eyes red rimmed and puffy. I finally shed tears for my fallen best friend i cried now, i cried for my parents, i cried for grand dad i cried for James, For Lily, for the Longbottoms and all those other fallen soldiers that had died for this cause, the cause that i know didnt know if it was really worth fighting for. As if sensing what id been thinking Remus took my hands in his own and looked deeply into my eyes "were going to end this" he said "were going to get revenge for Sirius and James and Lily" he kissed our hands "thats a promise" i nodded and we cried together then.


She was crying again. I could hear it from when i got out of the Elevator that led to her floor. I hated it when she got sad. I headed to her apartment and the door was ajar so i stepped into it closing the door behind me. I walked slowly to her bedroom who's door was also left ajar. I looked in without openeing the door farther and sure enough there she was sitting on the edge of her bed her long beatiful robe ike dress reached the floor her bare purple toes just stuck out of the end of it. Her hair was damp and lying flat the evidence that shed just bathed her eyes however told the story of her saddness evethough they were covered by both her hands i knew what she hid. I pushed the door open and she looked up quickly "Oh charlie you musnt sneak up on people like that" she said quickly "sorry its just your door" i said and she smiled a sad smile "its fine" she said and stood up "want some tea?" she asked and i shook my head then pushed her back to sitting on the bed "Chiara tell me why were you crying?" i asked her softly laying a hand on top of hers. "I wasnt" she said softly though she knew she wasnt fooling me "Its jsut everyone's so sad i mean Chris isnt eating or talking, Minnie wont stop crying and Remus is just as still as a statue always" she said "but im not i guess i feel guilty" she said. "Because your ennjoying life?" i asked "Chiara thats what Sirius always did he wanted to make people laugh and smile thats why people liked him so thats the way hed want people to mourn his death" i told her and she nodded sadly. "Your probably right but still" she said "no buts just boobs" i said and she laughed softly. "You can always make me laugh" she said 'yes and id want to do it every day if possible" i though not knowing id actually said it out loud "Hmm?" she asked "oh nothing" i blushed "you did say something Charlie" she said with a soft smile. "Well i just said id like to make you laugh every day" i said "You already do that Charlie" she said and i shuddered at the way her accent pronounced my name. "Charlie" she siad again forcing me to look in her eyes her beautiful capturing Blue eyes and placed a hand ove my own "you like me dont you?" she asked a"ofcourse i do" i said "no as more than a friend i mean" she said and i blushed looking down. "Its alright CHarlie" she said "I like you too" she said and guided my hand to her thighs. I sneaked my hand into the tear in the dress and trailed my hand up and down her inner thighs then i stoppped "You dont need to stp Charlie" she said "ive wanted to do this for a very long time" she said looking into my eyes as if she could see my soul. "ive wanted you for a very long time" she said and i closed my eyes then pinched myself. Hard. I felt hot breathe on my ear a moment later "its not a dream Charlie" she said and kissed my ear softly while she brought my hand back down to her thighs. This time i touched her from thighs to toes and then went up a bit higher than that and gasped "your not" i said and she smiled "i never do" she said and i smirked then finally i clamied her lips as mine while my hands roamed her boyd over and voer again and i layed her down falt on her own bed and unbuttoned her dress from the bottom were it touched the floor all the way up to her neck so she lay there completely naked. "Charlie" she said once again lookign deeply into my eyes "im a virgen" she siad and i looked at her wide eyed. "Your 27 years old Pop sensation, American and are a virgen?" i asked and she nodded i shrugged then kept kissing her and she took off my coat which i still had on then i took my own boots off and vest and shirt and undershirt eventually though she got angry so she just did some spell and a moment later she was on the bed again her head on the pillows, me laying on top of her poised at her entrance "ready?" i asked, she took a deep breath and nodded. I broke her barrier and she gasped but didnt cry ever the strong one and then i held her close and we kept kissing until we both reached our climax's and we collapsed next to each other on the bed and i wrapped my arms around her looking into her blue eyes "I love you Charlie over the months of being friends ive grown to love you" she said "i dont think i couldve take another dya not being yours" she said softly and i kissed her lightly "ive loved you since i laid eyes on you i couldnt have gone anohter day not making you mine" i said then kissed her one final time before laying my head down and falling asleep almost as quickly.

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