Chapter 20

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About a week later the inhabitants of Grimhauld Place were awoken by a spicy smell coming fromthe kitchen. They were cozxed out of theri beds by the sweet smells. In the kitchen a relativly small girl was bustling about careful not to knock her stomach into anything as it was huge and was cooking calmly and quite concentrated.

"What are you doing?" a voice said behind me and i turned around noticing Sirius and Remus standing behind me "cooking" i replied and brushed spices off my hadns and kissed Remus lightly on the lips. "You? Cooking?" Sirius said uneasily "yes" i replied with a glare "im not eating it!" he and the Twins said in unison and i glared at the three of them apparently it works if you have a ginormous belly and are a half a foot shorter than the twins and 3 inches shroter than the other one. "Youll eat it or youll starve" i said and glared with more emotion.

"So what are you making?" Remus asked gently trying to move the knife away from my reach without me noticing didnt work out. "Mexican Dishes" i replied "dont even try it!" i said then turned around and sure enough Topher was trying to grab a bunch of plated without me noticing, Chiara was trying to sneak some of the stew and Chris was trying to nick Tostadas. "Aww" they said at the same time and i saw a look pass through Chris' eyes as she spotted Sirius and Sirius grinned lightly. They though noone knew they were seccretly dating yeah right these twerps need to get better at it. "You guys are flippin-" i didnt finish my sentence since just then Snape came into the Kitchen apparently hed suffered form a fainting fancie the night before "dear god your with child" he muttered when he saw my large belly. "Hello Sev" i said and smiled evilly "Sev? I thought you were a girl version of Sirius Sirius calls him-" Harry came into the kitchen with Ron but Ron shut up when he saw SNape standing there. "Yes but thats because Sev here and Sirius never dated no matter how amusing that would be" i said "you? and Snape?" the Weasleys said at the same tiem lookign from me to Snape then they broke into laughter at the same time "thank you mother" i pointed a wooden sppoon at Harry. "Now out! All of you jesus christ this kitchen looks like the bloody dining room!" i said and started pusing people out "even us?" Remus and Sirius said making pouty faces and i glared "yes" i said and they made real pouts as they trudged out. "And you two dont shag ANYWHERE near my bedroom or your dead!" i said to CHris and Sirius whos eyes widened "yes i know you dunsbuckets not exactly all that good int he stealth department" i said "and your not mad?" Chris asked. "This is the 2nd longest relationship Sirius has EVER had and longest youve ever had and its been onyl a week i figure go ahead" i said. "And how the hel did this get so big in a week?" i said out loud even when the kitchen was empty lookign down at my stomach "werewolf genes" Remus said popping up out of nowhere "huh i seriously hope its not twins" i said and wrapped my arms around his neck. "It doesnt work like liters does it?" i asked and he laughed then kissed me on the lips again "ou didnt answer me" i said hey im getting better at this not being dazed after he kisses me thing! Improvement!

"Sometimes but rarely" he said and pecked my nose "so why are you making this?" he asked lookign down at the food "because well Molly gets to do Christmas Dinner so im doing a week-before-christmas dinner with all Mexican Dishes" i said. "So how much are you making?" he asked "well we have the Weasleys, Chrystal Waters, Christopher grace, a Pregnant Chita Mendez and Sirius Black in one building so im aiming at a ton" i said. "Menudo, 2 types of Enchiladas, 3 types of Tamales, Tostadas, Picadillas, Adobo, Mole (personally i dont like it but i figure you guys might) Arooz con Frijoles, Pico de gallo and salsa also to drink im making agua de jamaica and agua de horchada aswell as champurado" i said. "I understood like 2 words of that whole sentence" he said and i laughed "a ton of Mexican Dishes and side dishes and drinks aswell as mexican hot chocolate" i said and he nodded with an 'ah' face.

"I love it when you have 0 clue whats going on you look so cute" i said and pecked him on the lips again "are we gonna shag or are you gonna make the food?" he asked and i giggled. I stepped back and went back to the cooking "i hoped youd pick the 1st choice" he said and i laughed again.

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