Chapter 10

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There was a surprising murmur that crossed the room some i heard "who is that?" "does she even go to our school?" "i wonder who shes with" "if i wouldve seen her earlier idda asked her" Sirius said the last one and his date slapped him. I reached the bottom of the stairs were Sev was standing looking bored however he did take my arm and most of the people gasped then i walked over to the Marauders and everyone seemed to realize who i was jsut as the Great Hall doors opened. "Someone get me a spiked drink these heels are deadly" i said out loud not knowing a few guys were gawking at me so i got about a dozen drinks which i handed to Sirius under the table and he shook out of his daze and put some Firewhisky in it. I downed all 12 in about 15 minutes since he put alot of whisky in them. "Why are you with Snivellus?" Remus said sounding quite rude "since when do you call Sev that?" i asked "since now! Now answer me" he said "im with him because Lily asked and it was the only offer i got" i said in the same tone as him. "Lets Dance" i said to Snape "just how drunk are you?" he asked "pretty buzed i had 12 straight spiked drinks" i said calmly then grabbed his arm pulling him to the dance floor were i danced somewhat weirdly while he tried to hold in his laughter "are you laughing at mua?" i asked with a raised eyebrow and trying to do the Lily face which was just a stern face. "Now why would you think such things of me?" he asked with a goofy grin "Severus Snape smiling? Just how drunk are you?" i asked my voice slightly slurred yup the liqour was now kicking in. "None at all your just... fun" he finally decided on. "Mind if i but in Snivellus?" a somewhat drunk Remus Lupin asked "eventhough i still will but in either way" he added sev rolled his eyes and went to sit down. "Dude your the one thats supposed to stay sober we cant very wel get into our Common Room if the 5 oh wait now Lily and Ashley are drunk too make that 7 of us are drunk?" i asked "Chill Padfoot isnt drinking" he said "Padfoot? as in Sirius Black Padfoot?" i asked and he nodded. "Weird right?" James asked as he came up near us holding a drunk Lily under one arm "yeah although-" "hes eeying Martie!" Lily interupted me. "Lets Dance" i told Remus and grabbed his hands moving them forwards and backwards awkwardly until he cracked another smile and we actually started to dance "there you go" i laughed. A while later me and Sev were dancing again and Remus was drinking even more as was i. "Dam is gettin late" i said my voice slurred "yeah it is" Sev said "dam Rookwood's drunk better get him to the Common Room, see ya" he said "wait!" i said before he moved "what?" he asked "give me a good night kiss" i said and smiled "your drunk" he said "so? If im Drunk then if i dont get what i want ill start to cry do you want me to cry?" i asked and he sighed then placed a kiss on my cheek but i moved my head at the last moment so he ended up kissing my lips. That was my first ever kiss. "Well see you in class then i guess" he said then quickly left blushing madly.

I giggled when he left them stumbled over to the table "why the hel did yu just kiss Snivelly?" Remus asked "because i wanted to got a problem with it-" "yes i do!" "well then take up with my arse because thats the only thing that gives a sh it" i said. "Your being a little bich Chita" he said "ooh using my actual name so scared" i almost yelled and got up quickly "stop being an arsehole you jerkwad!" i almost yelled again "stop being a slut you you brothelee" he said and just then the clock chimed Midnight. "B-" i said but suddenly a sharp pain went through my chest and ignited my entire body with pain my knees nbuckled under me so i fell on the floor clutching my chest. "Chita?" he asked 'im fine jsut leave me alone!" i sobbed and then i got up and started to run to the Common Room passing Sirius and Martie arguing something about him liking her and her saying he was a player. I ran up to the Common Room and jsut made it to the couch as another wave of pain hit me. I covered my chest as the scars etched themselves in once more "i shoudve known beauty wouldnt be pain free" i muttered. The Portrait door slkammed open and in poured in the Marauders "Fangs what happened?" James asked"we saw you run off and we were so freaked out" he said "Nothing! Just leave me the hel alone!" i screeched "Chita? You never tolf them?" Lily asked as she came in and heard the argument. "Noone needs to know" i answered "know what? Whatever it is Fangs were your best friends you can trust us" Sirius said "just tell them Chita youve been hiding it for what 6 years? Its time" Lily said and i sighed. "Fine" i sniffled and then i undid the Zipper at the back of my dress pulling it down all the way to my stomach i didnt wear a bra since my boobs were so smal what filled the dress was jsut padding it had i covered my breasts with my hadns then stood up giving them a full view of my ugly scars. They were long on stretched from my Hip Bone to my Left Shoulder and went over a bit, i had one near my heart from the surgery and had small ones across my breast area i had more long ones too and i also had some on my back and sides they disgusted me.

There was a sharp intake of breathe from them all "you know how i live with my Grand Dad? Well i live with him because when i was 8 my parents died in a car crash, i was in the car and thats how i got the scars the car was almost totalled! It was a miracle i survived Dumbledore said its the magic in me that helped me live this one" i poitned to the one that went down the area between my ribs "i got from a surgery because my heart was messed up after that still is its jsut not as bad" i said. "This one" i pointed to one that went from my right shoulder to under my left breast "the bar the seperates the windows fell onto me it was a covertible the car" i said. "And then i have these" i turned around and showed my burn scars whihc were the entire top of the back "there was also a fire"i explained. "And these" i showed my wrists which had a few cuts on them "Age 13 depression" i said softly then i pulled my dress back up. "Wow" Sirius finally breathed "we never knew" James said "thats how i wanted it to be" i said softly.

A/N: Okay this is were il leaving it off so the next chapter will take place years in teh future this is jsut how i imaginer the story being since the start so yeah

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