Chapter 12

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Once the twin had come to again we all sat around in the living room and sort of caught up. "So why were you called Fangs?" Ron asked curiously (i now knew all their names) "go ahead" Remus sighed and grabbed my cup of tea ten i took my shoes off and closed my eyes, a moment later i was much much shorter when in fact i was jsut in animal form. I sauntered over to were he was sitting and allowed him to pet me aswell as Hermione and Harry at some point Hermione ended up tickling my belly and i enjoyed it greatly. Then i turned back to normal "oh your so cute as a dog!" Hermione said and i turned back into the Tasmanian Devil for a moment and growled baring my fangs "i am not a dog! Im a tasmanian Devil!" i pouted when i turned normal once more. The clock striked midnight again and the scars reappeared aswell as a black eye and broken lip id used with the same spell though this time there was no pain. I grabbed my jacket and covered up. "What happened to your face?" Remus asked "nothing dont worry about it" i said quickly "so you had plastic surgery Fangs?" Sirius asked me pointing to my grown out breasts "Haha" i siad sarcastically "no actually its just that when they started to grow it hurt because of the scars you know the tight skin so i got a spell to stop them from growing but after i found this spell to cover them up for 12 hours i reversed the earlier spell so this is what it wouldve been like the whole time although i did get some on my chest to remove the uglier scars" i said. "So wait how were you a Marauder if your younger than my dad?" Harry asked and i laughed again "im older than your dad Harry" i said and his eyes widened "well by" i tried to count the days "11 days" Remus suppied "11 days! the spell just messes up my skins aging so ill be wrinkle free even when you have wrinkles" i said happily. "Kids its time for you all to get to bed" Molly said "i want a rematch!" the twin Fred said still holding a steak to his face "Fred i was Head Girl in her first year and in her first year alone she was able to beat up Lucius Malfoy, Your Father, Remus, Sirius, James, Snape, Pettigrew, Bellatrix Lestrange and Narcissa at the same time" Molly said "and i dont even know how many fights went on after that". "Oh she got in many many many" Remus said "Many" Sirius finished "thanks guys" i muttered "i still say-" "Bed now!" i yelled at Fred annoyed.

"I missed you guys so much" i said when it was finally jsut me Sirius and Remus alone again. I stretched out on the couch with my jacket and shoes off and Remus was sitting on the floor leaning back on his elbows while Sirius brought FireWhisky. "To celebrate your coming home" Sirius said ""cheers me maties" i said and swallowed the shot of whisky "so what happened to your face?" Remus asked quickly after shooting the whisky back "its none of your business" i said "the last time you said that we found out about your scars" he said "its nothing" i assured him. "Just tell us Fangs" SIrius said and rolled his eyes "No" i said "Tell us" Remus said "fine i got into a fistfght" i said "Yeah right and im the pope!" Remus said "you dont get black eyes or broken lips in fistfights!" he said. "I got a solusion" Sirius said "truth or dare" he said "with Firewisky". "Every Truth you take a shot, Every Dare you wont do, a shot, and every 5 minutes a shot" Sirius said "fine" agreed. We sat around in a circle and Sirius poured the shots "Truth or Dare?" he asked me "Truth Sirius" i said "are you a virgen?" he asked "obviously no as im 36 and lived in California for the past 14 years" i said. "Oh" he said then nodded "Truth or Dare?" i asked him "Truth" he said "wise move" i said "did you and Martie ever end up getting together?" i asked "yeah kind of" Sirius said sounding a bit uncomfortable "how so?" i asked "well we did get together and we were a couple and all and she err she got pregnant but before she gave birth i got sent to Azcaban so i never knew annything else about the kid" he said and shrugged "oh thats sad" i said "whyd you never tell me though?" i asked "because i didnt want you yelling at me that i better not hurt her or youd break every bone in my body like you did to James and also the whole thing was very secretive" he said. "Aww boo" i pouted "whatever Truth or Dare?" Remus asked me "Dare" "I dare you to tell me the truth about your face" he said and i smirekd then took another shot.

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