Chapter 32

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"Im glad you got out of it today" Remus said later that evening as we watched an old movie, me cuddled up in his lap with a blanket wrapped around us both and Jamie sleeping in his room.

"I know, so am i" i answered and snuggled deeper into his chest, brTeathing in his musky werewolfy scent. "I love you" i whispered and i knew he heard because he laid his chin on my forehead.

"I know, and i love you too" he said

I thought about what Gigi had said earlier, (one of her few sain moments the entire time id been there mostly all you heard from her was "Oh my god where the fudge is this paper?!"). I made a decision in my head and wrapped my arms around his middle.

"Remie" i said softly.

"Hmm?" he asked

"Umm i- i well- never mind forget i said anything" i said and shook my head

"Babe" he said and shook me makign me know that he would not let me just shut up.

"Ooh fine but dont get mad at me" i said "I want to have another baby. Now hear me out... Look at Johnny we're so happy with him and i just think we'd be happier too if we had another baby" i said

"He's barely 10 months old!" Remus said "We cant take care of 2 babies Chita" he said.

"Yes we can Remus, i make more than enough to care for 2 children plus i get that muggle LINK card (A/N: Dont care that they DONT have that in England) so... yeah" i said "Remie!" i pleaded

"Why? Why do you want to have another baby?" he asked

"Because i love you and Johnny" i said "and i want to share that love with a baby girl"

"Hmm girl huh? No alterior motives there?" he asked and i blushed

"Baby?" i asked wrapping my arms around his neck. No pun intended

"Sweetheart i just dont want to lose you!" he said shaking me "no matter how high-tech the place you give birth is, theres still a really big chance that you may not make it! Ive lost enough, James, Lily, Sirius, my parents and even the friendship of Wormtail" he said. "I dont want to lose you too" he said and brushed his thumb against the side of my face

"I know, i know. No one knows death better than i, ive lost so many people but Remus I just- I want to have another baby Remus. We're both only children and it's lonely isn't it? Not having someone else yours or near your own age?" I asked.

He sighed and looked away from me.

"If" he said and I squealed and hugged him. "IF I say yes you have to promise to do as I tell you" he said and I nodded "as soon as you pop you have to stay in bed only on your feet for a couple hours a day. Nothing stressful understand?" he said ad I nodded "Nothing for the order" he said and I sighed then nodded.

He smiled and kissed me softly "No Beatles names this time" he whispered ad I laughed.

"Something for Paul?" I asked pouting

"Sure" he sighed and I smiled and clapped happily.

He smiled back and kissed me deeply, I returned the kiss and buried my hands in his hair. I bit his lip and he moaned and lifted me up onto his lap.

He took his lips off my own and undid my vest and pulled of the shirt underneath. He started to suck and bite my neck and I leaned back giving him more space.

I smirked and unbuttoned his shirt leaving kisses and bite marks the more the shirt went down. "Chita" he groaned and I smirked against his warm skin.

He pulled me back up and I kissed his lips then instead of pushin my skirt down he hiked it up over my head and threw it on the ground with our shirts.

"Mmm" I murmured against his lips "Take it off" I said roughly and got off his lap.

"Your mean" he said and I rolled my eyes and grabbed a few of Johnny play money as started to throw them at him until he had his pants and boxers off.

I pressed my lips to his again and he picked me up wrapping my legs aroun his waist and ram his hands over my body finally he stopped arthur waistband of my undies and ripped them off roughly so I shrieked but he shut me up quickly by shoving his tongue down my throat and his fingers well y'all know where.

"Oh god remus" I moaned and he sat down on the couch again so I was on his lap again.

I pushed him away and slipped his shaft into me. I gasped as he entered me fully as I always did.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and started to ride him and he laid his hands on my waist helpin me along.

I didn't last long at all so before long I collapsed on his chest panting heavily.

"Aren't we aiming for mine?" he asked and I rolled my eyes

"Practice makes perfect" I panted and laid on the couch pulling him with me.

After the 2nd go we did it a few times on the actual bed then in the shower then the sink.

"Hopefully what with werewolf super $p@rm we wont have to keep trying like muggle couples" I said afterwards when I was laying snuggled next to him, tiredness still not set in.

"Mmm" he said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2012 ⏰

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