Chapter 15

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"OMG that is so major!" she said then "TOPHER TOPHER TOPHER!!!! CHRIS!!!" she yelled at the top of her lungs and then i heard some running "what?" came the paired voices of Christopher Marowits and Chrystal Waters my Roommates back then she lived there too. "Hey Guys" i said since apparently shed put me on speakerphone "Yo's Minnie!!" Topher said happily "air hug!" he declared and i rolled my eyes in real life but i still wrapped my arms in a fake hug. "Minnie we mis you!" Chris said and i smiled "we know you dont feel emotions that often" i said and chuckled while i knew she glared. "Anyways news MAJOR News!!" Chiara interrupted and told everyone the news "woah is he hot?" Topher asked "is he good?" Chris said "Yes and God Yes!" i said and they laughed. "You guys should so come over for Christmas" i said softly "hang on" i said and opened the Closet door "Sirius! Sirius!! SIRIUS!!!" i yelled and he came striding into the room holding his head "did you have. To be. So loud?!" he screeched hungover Sirius=Arsehole. "Sorry hey can 3 of my friends from the states come here for Christmas break thingy?" i asked "sure the more the merrier" he said and slumped in his chair "how much did you drink last night?" Remus said as he came into the kitchen and i shut the door in the closet quickly. "You guys can so come!!" i said "fine" Chris said "YAY!!!!" Topher and Chiara cheered and i laughed at their strangeness "you guys are so weird!" i giggled "and you love us!" all three said at the same time. "No i dont" i said "yeah you do" they sang. I got out of the closet and Remus opened his mouth to speak but i held a figner up to silence him "no i dont" we kept this going until i made it up to my room then we started to chat about random stuff until i fell asleep with the phone still on.


I woke up to a knocking on the door "what?" i asked when i opened the door anmd found Remus "we need to talk" he siad "no we dont" i said bluntly "yes we do" he said "no we do not Remus" i said "Your avoiding me!" he said. "No im not" i said "you werent there when i woke up, yesterday you ran down the hall away from me you shushed me when i tried to speak and you spent the entire day in you room" he said. "Maybe i was doing something in my room" i siad "i needed to wake up early, i was running away from the Twins and i was having a conversation!" i said bluntly and crossed my arms "now get out of my room i need to change" i said. "Im not in your room" he said then started stepping in and out of my room saying "now i am" and "now im not". "SHUT UP!!" i said and slammed the door in his face knocking him backwards.

When i went down to the Kitchen there was a new face there a girl with short pink hair she had to be no more than 23. "Hi" she said brightly "Hi" i said in the same tone and sat down next to her. "Im Minnie" i stuck my hand out "im Tonks: she shook my hands "oh dear god theyve met" Sirius said when he came into the kitchen. "Bad meet Worse" he said "which am i?" we said at the same time "Nymphadora is Bad and you Chita are worse" he said "dont call me" we said at the same time but our names different and her hair turned red. "Metamorphogus?" i asked her and she nodded "one of my aquantances in school was a Metamorphogus her favorite color to turn was bright bright pink" i said "mines Bubblegum Pink" she said and smiled. "Im an Animagus" i said "Tasmanian Devil" i said "I always bit Moony's ankle veins when he acted up" i said and she laughed "aww Clusmaholic bonding" Fred said when he and his twin came into the kitchen "you have known me for exactly 2 days and a few hours i am not a Clumsaholic!" i said though when i went to get coffee i did fall and knock my chair onto my butt somehow. "Ouchies" i muttered and rubbed my knee "ouchies?" Fred said and sat down next to Tonks were id been sitting "that was my seat!" i whined when i got my coffee "losers weepers finders keepers" he said and i shrugged then dumped my coffee on his lap it was either that or sit on him but this was better and more comfy. He jumped up and i quickly took his seat "Losers Weepers Finders Keepers" i said in a baby voice for some reason and i smiled sweetly while he glared

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