Chapter 27

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When yo uhad a friend since Childhood you never forget them.

Ive had to learn this the ahrd way the past few weeks. Ive had to deal with Chris' undeniable sadness and dealt with my own as well as Remus' but he wont admit it out fully. EVentually we did get back to well normality most of atleast. Tonks' hair turned Brown normal that is and she was sad, Chris was worse though, it was as if she didnt care about anything, she barely ate, she didnt talk she didnt do anything she just sat there looking out the window wallowing in her sadness not even caring that her belly was growing larger day by day. IT didnt help much that she still lived at Grimhauld place all alone. Chiara wanted to live with her but shed recently moved with Charlie to Romania. I had to live with Remus and Richard and Topher well Topher was working hard to try to get a job at St. Mungos and while he did live there he was rarely there so it didnt do much.

"Remus" i said one night after he had put Richard to sleep in his own room. "Hmm?" he asked sitting down next to me on the couch "Well its just have you ever thought of having another baby?" i asked "good god woman!" he screamed. "This ones barely going to be 6 months! Your best friend's 6 months pregnant!" he screeched "plus have you forgotten how much you screamed last time?" he asked and i smiled 'just a suggestion, its fun seeing you get riled up" i siad and he glared but nonethless kissed me on the lips. Just then i heard a loud pop! and in appeared Chiara and Charlie with a very groggy looking Topher who was shoved onto the couch by Chiara. "I have news!" she said jumping on the balls of ehr feet holding a smiling Charlie's hand "But come on" she grabbed me "i want everyone to be present when i say it" she said "go get Richard and meet us at the Burrow" Chiara said dragging Topher up then apparated away "o-kay" i said and went to get Richard then me and Remus apparated away. WHen we got there everyone was already there. The WEasley's, Tonks, Topher, and a few Order members as well as Dumbledore by some account was there aswell. Immediatly when we got there Richard was taken out of my hands by Fred then George came up to us his arm aorund a pretty brown haired girl who had somewhat thick glasses on. "Hey Fangs, Lupin this is my Fiance' Gigi Creevey" George said "Pleasure to meet you Mr and Mrs. Lupin" she said and did a little curtsy. I smiled atr her and shook her hand "Hello Gigi" thne i whispered in her ear nice to see me and Remus arent the only totaly opposites" and she laughed. A few minutes later Charlie and Chiara went into the center of the room "WE have news" Charlie said "big news!" Chiara broke in jumping on the balls of her feet "well as you all know me and Chiara are living together in Romania now and well some of you know that i asked her to marry me and she said yes" Charlie said. I knew this of course as did Topher and Remus and a few of Charlie's brohters. "Well this news none of yo know this is a picture of-" "im 4 months pregnant!" Chiara siad happily interrupting Charlie but he took out a fuzzy picture of a baby "this as i was saying is a picture of hte first Weasley grandchild" Charlie said. "Oh!" his mother shrieked happily then ran up to them and hugged them, next was Mr.Weasley and the rest of the family followed. "Conratulations Chiara!" i said when i had my baby back and hugged her happily "i told Chris before nayone else she got mad at me, she refused to come" she whispered in my ear and i could tell she wanted to cry. "Dont cry sweetie shes jsut upset at the moment shell come around she loves you and she'll love this baby aswell" i said touching her bump and she smiled. "I love him i really do" she said looking over towards Charlie who was talking to the twins and i smiled "i know".

I went into the Kitchen to make Johnny (as i know decided to call hm) a bottle but once i entered the room i knew i wasnt the only one there. "Christopher please" i heard a woman's voice say "Ive told you im not good for you im too dangerous. Your so young so full of life! Not like me im not like you im a Werewolf for god's sake who knows what could happen if i ever get mad or what will happen near the full moon?" he said. "Ive told you i dont care! Im an Auror i deal with that every day! Im not that young im only 24 i know but Topher!" she said pleading "no Dora its its just too dangerous" he said then i heard his step away and then i heard her run out of the house. "Topher" i said stepping out of the shadows and he jumped "Minnie!" he screeched "Topher what was that?" i asked "nothing" "Toph i know you that wasnt 'nothing'" i said. "Fine its just she she loves me and she wants to be with me but im too old for her im for gods sake im 37!!! Shes 24 theres a HUGE difference between us" he shrieked "and plus im a bloody werewolf!! What would happen if i got mad at her? Or what happens near the full moon if were together?!" he screeched. I slapped him "Okay relax" i said "first of all you should have come to me since the beginning im the one who has been friends with a werewofl sicne age 9, has shagged a werewolf had a child with one and married one"" i said. "Near the Full Moon Remus gets a bit easier mad at me but inside his heart he sitll knows who i am and he loves me so he doesnt hurt me at all near that time though he does shag me more often as in animal insticts come to play and they shag more often and harder and stuff" i said. "Okay i did not need to know your *** life" he muttered "my point is he doesnt hurt me because he loves me and the baby, second do you know me? He's constantly gettng mad at me and he never hurts me near the full moon as i said he gets a angrier but the farthest that anything has ever happened is a slap but in his defence that was the first full moon as having the baby so i was seriously freaking out about the kdi and all that" i said. "Just go for it date her if you liek her" i said "i do butwhat your saying thats Remus hes known you for almsot 30 years itd be different fo rme nad Tonks, ive known her for less that a year" he said standing up "thanks anyway".

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