Chapter 31

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A/N: Yeah yeah i know i havent worked on my stories well i havent read the books or watched the movies in a while so as i write this chapter ill simply do it from memory and the notes ive written in the past about this story.

This death took a bigger tolll on me than i could EVER have imagined. I thought taht i was sad over Sirius' death? Or James and Lily's? Nope! I literally would not get out of bed. I stayed there all day not caring about anything not even Johnny.

"Sweetheart please eat" Remus said holding out a fork that held papaya.

I shook my head

"Come on baby" he said putting it closer to my face and i shook my head again. "Babe!" he whined and i still shoook my head "Eat it!"


"EAT IT!!!" he said and jumped on top of me trying to wrestle the fork into my mouth.

"Sod off!!!"


"F^ ck off and go suck a

"Just eat teh god damn fruit!!!!" he yelled "or the record gets it!!" he said and grabbed hold of my limited edition let it be album.

"DONT YOU DARE LUPIN!!!" i screamed and climbed onto his back trying to grab it while he held it in hsi chest tightly.

"We're all Lupin's in here!!" he said

"Momma" we heard barely audible.

"What was that?" i asked and he looked up.

"Momma" we heard again and my head shot up and over to Johnny who was playing in a corner of the room with one of those teething rings in his mouth.

"What was that baby?" i asked scrambling off Remus' back and crawled over to my baby boy.

"Momma" he repeated, giggling.

"His first words!" i exclaimed with a wide smile on my face and Remus sat down next to me and wrapped an arm aroudn my shoulders and i took Johnny in my arms hugging him.

"Johhny can you say 'Dadda'? Come on Da-dda" Remus said and i laughed and wrapped an arm aorund his neck pulling him in to peck his lips.

"Im sorry i yelled at you" he whispered leaning his forehead on mine.

"Im sorry i wouldnt eat"

"You have the right not to want to eat im sorry babe, i should know what your going through we've both been through so much death" he said and i snuggled into his chest.

"Momma!" Johnny shrieked and i laughed again

"Im here baby" i said and raspberry'd his neck making him giggle madly. "Come on" i told Remus and stood up with Johnny in my arms "lets go eat breakfast" i said and went into the kitchen and put a few egss in a pan with bacon and started to make french toast and pancakes.

When breakfast was done i set a plate infront of Remus and one infront of me and fed Johhny his Mango baby food.

After we were all fed i got dressed in:

"Im going to the Burrow k babe?" i said and pecked him on the lips then apparated away.

"Molly? Chiara!" i called and Chiara waddled into the kitchen.

"Oh my god! Your out of bed!!!!"' she screeched then epically failed at running to hug me.

"Who's out of bed?" Fred asked then he saw me up and out of bed and he ran and hugged me followed by his twin followed by Gigi thne Mrs.Weasley.

"Hey!" Chiara said popping out of the multiple person hug "Today is Valentine's Day!" she exclaimed and i saw Fred and Gigi exchange a mischivous glance.

"Oh and guess what?" i asked sitting down at the table and Fred as usual grabbed Jhnny from my arms right away."Johnny said his first word today. He said 'Momma' and it was so cute because me and Remus where just fighting over him trying to break my beatles album because i wouldnt eat and then here comes my baby all 'momma' and THAT is what got me out of my daze" i said. "I love my little baby" i said and hugged him.

"Yes i know what you mean. When Gideon and Fabian died (eventhough the twins would NEVER admit it) the only thing that got me thorugh it was my boys trying to cheer up mommy by making pranks and doign thier best baby voices" Molly said

"You lie woman!!" Fred and George said at the same time.

"I NEVER did that!" George said to Gigi who only spared him a roll of eyes before lowering her eyes to her piles of paperwork again.

"You two out of here go play with Johnny outside or something" i said jerking my thumb away from the kitchen.

"Fine" they said resignedly and they walked away.

"Okay so i have a bit of a secret" i said in a low voice. "I want to have another baby. I actually have for 4 months about but i dont think Remus wants to. He said so himslef after all the pain i was in giving birth the first time and he says that it gets more painful the more pregnancies and-and that there's a larger chance of well basically that more werewolf-like traits would be passed down as we have more. Johnny doesnt have very many of them, he gets fussy around the full moon and really really fussy on the full moon, his teeth are grown in fully and long and sharp and his nails are longer but REmus thinks that thats it besides him awnting his meat to be more raw" i said.

"I think that he's doing the right thing by saying no" Gigi said looking at different sheets of paper "it gets more dangerous both for you and the child. You have to think about when they go to school. George says that Remus wasnt exactly sure he would be able to go to Hogwarts because of his werewolf-ness and now he cant get a job because of it. But yet again theres the chance that maybe the child is born like Johnny, not very many werewolf traits. I think that if you are willing to go through that pain, the abuse that people would put on you for bringing such unholy and unnatural half breeds into this world then you should ask Remus to have the kid. If he truly loves you and gets your feeling then he will say yes." Gigi said.

"Woah that was actually really good advice" i said

"What was?" she asked pushing her glasses up

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