Chapter 24

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A couple weeks later

"SURPRISE!!" is what i heard as soon as i opened the door to Grimhauld place. I smiled as i looked around at alot of the Order standing around aswell as the WEasley Twins, Mr and Mrs Weasley and Bill and Charlie WEasley. "Ahh let me see the kid" Fred and George said at the same time "why are you two here?" i asked "oh we quit school to start the Joke Shop its a big hit you know" Fred said and started cooing at Richard. "Whyd you get out later than you were supposed to?" Chiara asked as she came over and hugged me "yeha you wer ejsut ssupposed to be in there for 3 days not 14!' Sirius said. "Nice math" i said "dont change the subject" he said "ah well my dera wife here kept arguing with the instructions the Doctors gave her so it took 2 weeks for her to get better" Remus said. "Wife?" Fred and George asked at the same time "yeah umm Topher got a licsence to marry off the internet a while back dont ask why and well" i flashed my simple ring (pictured) that had a simply titanium band underneath it Remus had a matching titanium band on his hand. "Woah that diamond is so tiny!" Fred said "shut up!" i said and smacked him "I love it" i said this while looking at Remus who smiled. "Now are we going to stand around all day or can we eat? Hospital food sucks!" i said and once again Remus rolled his eyes but we still went into the Kitchen and we all sat down to have Lunch i ate much more than my share by the way. "Shut up" i said to Sirius through a mouthful of food as he starred at me "you ate this way after you got out of Azcaban i bet" i said though mostly you jsut understood "wah wah wah". After wed all finished eating we all just stood around talking.

"So you finally opened your store?" i asked the twins and George noddded "everyone loves it dude! Weve gotten tons of orders from people at Hogwarts wanting to get things to do Umbridge in!" Fred said and we high fived. "Oh how immature the 3 of you are" Remus said "correction 4" he mutttered after Sirius high fived him too. "Well can i go see it?" i asked like it was obvious and they smiled "lets go" in unison they said. I handed Richard to Remus who tried to protest but a second later i was gone.

"This palce is wicked" i told the twins when we go tto their store "yeah and we get tons of orders from people who were at hogwarts and knew us like Wood's told hi sQuidditch team and their using some of our stuff to prank the other team" Fred said and i laughed. "Ill make sure to write about that" i said "didnt i tell you guys? I got a job at the Daily Prophet, Sport's section i know its really bad now but still i need a job and i cant get it in the bloody ministry given my record" i said. "Well we're proud of you little chick" Fred said "i am 10 years younger than your mother!" i said and they shrugged "your still shorter than us" George siad and i picked up a long pole painful looking thing. "Fine fine" they said in unison and held up their hands to protect themselves.

That night i layed in bed with my now Husband with Richard between us while i looked at teh paper for Apartments to rent. "Your starting work tomorrow then?" he asked me and i nodded "tomorrow im starting at teh Sport's section of the Daily Prophet" i stretched out on the bed and turned on my side to face him "ill miss you while im away" i said. "Its a 9 hour work day" he said and laughed but i gave him a look "yes but still i love you" i said and pecked him on the lips. "You" he poked me on the nose "are such a little kid" he said and smiled, i smiled back then pecked him on the lips again "no" he said "i didnt say anything!" i said and laughed "you want somehting though" he said and i looked at him grumpily. "Fine!" i whined "I want the Twins to take care of Richard while im at work. They said yes already" i said "ugh but theyre well like you and Sirius!" Remus said. "So?" i asked and gave him a pointed look "Sirius is responsible with Harry! I am too" i told him and he rolled his eyes but flopped onto his pillows "fine they can" he said and i smield victoriously and pecked him on the lips again. "Sirius for his godfather?" i asked and he nodded as if to say "ill lose anyhow" "Chiara for Godmother?" i asked and he nodded again. I pecked him then leaned back on my pillows and soon fell asleep.

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